Event Information

 TRBOVLJE, Slovenia
07 January 2023

Knap Trail 2023

»Knap Trail« je športno tekaška prireditev, ki poteka po hribovju v osrčju Slovenije. Tekmovanje pod tem imenom je v preteklih letih že potekalo, bilo je eno izmed najbolje obiskanih in uspešnih športnih prireditev v Zasavju. Knap Trail je edino zimsko trail tekmovanje v Sloveniji.

Knap Trail is a mountain trail running event which takes place in the heart of Slovenia. The competition under the same name has already taken place in the past years and was one of the most successful and popular sports events in the Zasavje region. Knap Trail is the only winter trail running competition in Slovenia.


ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2023/01/07
 Start Time: 08:00:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 30.90
 Elevation Gain: +1550
 Elevation Loss: -1550
 Time Limit: 10:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 3
 Number of Participants: 400

About the Race

Srednje dolga razdalja Knap Traila bo s svojo dolžino in višinskimi metri tekmovalcem ponudila pestro izkušnjo. Po uvodnem vzponu, bodo razgiban tekaški del popestrili krajši strmi vzponi in tehnični spusti. Najvišja točka bo vrh Mrzlice, ki leži na 1122 metrih nadmorske višine. Gre za sorazmerno hitro progo, ki lahko v zimskih razmerah pokaze povsem drug obraz.

The intermediate Knap Trail route with its length and vertical meters offers diverse and exciting trail running experience. Route starts with a long ascent, followed by a diverse running part with exhilarating shorter steep ascents and technical descents. The highest point of the route is at the top of Mrzlica which lies 1122 meters above sea level. It is a relatively fast route, although it could be really challenging in winter conditions.
