Event Information

 benxi, China
27 May 2023

BaturuTrail-GuanMen Mountain trail running 2023

巴图鲁关东越野第一次走进越野跑友的视线中,这场以满族文化为背景、打造最具东北特色的品牌赛事IP激起越野圈千层浪。 弹指挥间,巴图鲁赛事将迎来全新升级。 ——我们总以为来日方长,却忘了世事无常—— 曾约好了要齐聚关门山的巴图鲁们,无奈因为疫情的肆虐,不得不按下了暂停键。心中的不甘与不舍化为一种愿望,2023,一切重回正轨。 ——都说如若是真心期待,那么愿望一定会实现——

For the first time, Baturu Kanto off-road has entered the sight of off-road enthusiasts. This brand competition, which is based on Manchu culture and creates the most distinctive Northeast characteristics, has sparked a thousand waves in the off-road circle. With a flick of a finger, the Baturu competition will usher in a new upgrade. ——We always


ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2023/05/27
 Start Time: 06:00:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 99.10
 Elevation Gain: +5690
 Elevation Loss: -5690
 Time Limit: 29:59:59
 Number of Aid Stations: 10
 Number of Participants: 300