Ova utrka starta na Kamešnici i ide u suprotnom smjeru od dvije veće utrke. Start ove utrke je u mjestu Voštane odakle odmah kreće uspon od negdje oko 1000m na najveći vrh Kamešnice (Konj). Od vrha Konj staza nastavlja prema vrhu Kamešnica gdje se nakon toga spušta prema vrhu Glavaš i nastavlja kao i ostale staze istom rutom prema cilju. Staza je vrlo atraktivna samim time što se penje na dva najveća vrha Kamešnice. U 42 km će se skupiti 1500 m uspona i čak 2200 m spusta što stazu čini vrlo brzom i zanimljivom. Nije tehnički zahtjevna i biti će dobra priprema za one koji se žele okušati u večim dužinama na UTD-u.
This race starts at Kamešnica and runs in the opposite direction of the two larger races. The start mark is at the village Voštane where the 1000m ascend to Kamešnica’s highest peak Konj begins. From the Konj peak, the trail continues towards the Kamešnica peak, descends further to the Glavaš peak, and continues on the same route as the other two races towards the finish mark. The trail’s attractiveness lies in the fact that it ascends towards the two highest mountain. Within the trail’s 42km there is a 1500m ascend and a 2200m descend which make the trail fast and interesting. It isn’t technically challenging and can be a great preparation for those wanting to try long distances at UTD.