Event Information

 Sinj, Croatia
26 May 2023 to 28 May 2023

Ultra trail Dinarides 2023



ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2023/05/26
 Start Time: 16:00:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 161.20
 Elevation Gain: +7200
 Elevation Loss: -7170
 Time Limit: 36:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 9
 Number of Participants: 300

About the Race

KING’S RACE je najduža i najljepša staza koju smo pripremili za Vas. Staza prolazi cijelom dužinom parka prirode “Dinara” što je ujedno i tranzverzala planian Dinara i Kamešnica sa startom u Kninu i završetkom u gradu Sinju. Ovo je staza koja nudi gotovo sve što trail trkač može poželjeti. Tehnički teren, ponešto makadamskih cesta, usponi od manjih do poprilično velikih, trčanje po izvanrednim grebenskim stazama na visinama između 1600m do 1900m gotovo cijelom dužinom uz spektakularne panorame opravdavaju naziv same utrke. Prvi uspon nakon starta sa povjesne Kninske trđave vodi Vas na najviši vrh Hrvatske (Sinjal) odakle se spušta na najljepše oko Dalmacije, na izvor Cetine. Zatim se penje nazad na i nastavlja dalje preko najvećih vrhova Dinare i Kamešnice prema cilju u Sinju gdje Vas čeka finišerska medalja. Staza nije tehnički zahtjevna ali zahtjeva ozbiljnu pripremu obzirom na 8200m uspona te činjenicu da kroz mjesta izuzev starta i cilja prolazite samo na jednom mjestu u 168 km i krećete se na grebenu na visinama od 1600m do 1900m dosta vremena

KING’S RACE is the longest and most beautiful trail of the ones we have prepared for you. The trail runs along the entire length of the Dinara Nature Park, which in itself is a transversal of the Dinara and Kamešnica mountains. The start mark is in the city of Knin and the finish mark in the city of Sinj. This is a trail which offers everything a runner can wish for. A technical terrain, some gravel roads, ascends ranging from rather small to pretty tall, ridge paths between the heights of 1600 and 1900 meters with spectacular views along nearly the entire length of the trail– all of these things justify the name of this race. The first ascend fllowing the start mark at the historic Knin fortress leads to Croatia’s highest mountain peak (Sinjal) and descends to the beautiful “Eye of Dalmatia”, the famous source of the Cetina river. From there the trail ascends again and continues over the highest peaks of the Dinara and Kamešnica mountains towards the finish mark in Sinj where your finisher medal awaits. The trail is not technically challenging but still requires serious preparation regarding its 8200m ascend, its 168km course passing through a settlement only once, and the fact that you are travelling across a ridge a good amount of time at altitudes between 1600 and 1900m.

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