Event Information

 Tai Po, Hong Kong, China
24 September 2023

8 Immortals GreenRace 2023

TGR Speed Series 打頭陣的賽事,就是 TGR 八仙嶺!賽事將於 2023 年 9 月 24日 隆重舉行!八仙嶺為新界東北部的有名的山脈,坐落於大埔大尾督旁邊,有八個山峰此起彼伏,鄉民將之與中國道教八仙傳說結合,因而以命名為「八仙嶺」。從西到東,分別為純陽峰、鍾離峰、果老峰、拐李峰、曹舅峰、采和峰、湘子峰及仙姑峰。加上屏風山、黃嶺及犁壁山,有如一塊屏風聳立在大地上,氣勢雄偉;新娘潭路旁的降下坳燒烤場同時作為賽事的起點及終點

Being an opening event in the Hong Kong Trail Running season , TGR would like to bring you this trail challenge offering two distance choices at 30K and 18K and as well as our Family 5K adventure fun. Runners will start together at Kong Ha Au BBQ Site, follow on the multi-terrain


ITRA Points
Itra Images
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2023/09/24
 Start Time: 08:30:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 17.20
 Elevation Gain: +960
 Elevation Loss: -1030
 Time Limit: 6:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 0
 Number of Participants: 500
Championship: TGR Speed Series

About the Race

TGR 8 Immortals @ Pat Sin Leng (The Eight Immortals) Being an opening event in the Hong Kong Trail Running season , TGR would like to bring you this trail challenge offering two distance choices at 30K (D+1613M) and 18K (D+982M) and as well as our Family 5K adventure fun. Runners will start together at Kong Ha Au BBQ Site, follow on the multi-terrain to conquer the limit over Pat Sin Leng Rangethen are relieved by traversing some of Hong Kong’s most amazing north east frontier paths. This race is a massive challenge but also come with tons of enjoyment– Get signed up and let’s serve you some cool on the journey!

TGR 8 Immortals @ Pat Sin Leng (八仙嶺) 作為香港越野跑賽季的開幕賽事,TGR 將為您帶來這項越野挑戰賽,提供 30K (D+1613M) 和 18K (D+982M) 兩種距離選擇)以及我們的家庭5K 冒險樂趣。 跑者將從港下凹燒烤場出發,沿著多地形路線征服八仙嶺的極限,然後穿越香港最令人驚嘆的東北邊境小徑。 這場比賽是一項巨大的挑戰,但也充滿樂趣——報名吧,讓我們在旅途中為您提供一些酷炫的服務!