Dobrodošli na Archipelago Trail Run! Archipelago Trail Run je unikatno tekaško doživetje, kjer boste v tekaškem koraku raziskovali Zadar Archipelago. Prekrasne stezice ob Jadranski obali, prijeten vonj morja, čudovita pokrajina Naravnega parka Telašćica in nepozabni razgledi na Narodni park Kornati. Vse to so več kot odlični razlogi za prijavo na A
The Archipelago Trail Run is a unique running experience where you will explore the Zadar Archipelago with every stride. Beautiful trails along the Adriatic coast, the pleasant scent of the sea, the stunning landscape of the Telascica Nature Park, and unforgettable views of the Kornati National Park. All of these are more than excellent reasons to