Event Information

 ANGOL, Chile
01 April 2023


NAHUELBUTA ALL IN un nuevo concepto en carreras de TRAIL RUNNING a desarrollarse en el corazón de la cordillera de Nahuelbuta en su tercera versión el día 01 de Abril de 2023. ES TODO O NADA! Esta vez además constituirá el campeonato nacional de trail running. Contaremos con 4 distancias competitivas  (60-  30 - 17 y 9 K ) y una distancia de 2 K

NAHUELBUTA ALL IN a new concept in TRAIL RUNNING races to be developed in the heart of the Nahuelbuta mountain range in its third version on April 1, 2023. IT IS ALL OR NOTHING! This time it will also constitute the national trail running championship. We will have 4 competitive distances (60-30-17 and 9K) and a distance of 2K for children. In t


ITRA Points
Itra Images
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2023/04/01
 Start Time: 06:00:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 60.00
 Elevation Gain: +2430
 Elevation Loss: -2430
 Time Limit: 10:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 6
 Number of Participants: 300

About the Race

Ruta de 60 kilómetros, 2 giros ruta 30k. Cada giro será ruta 90% por senderos, comienza con 10 kilómetros de subida acumulando un desnivel positivo de aproximadamente de 1000 metros, concentrando la principal altimetría de la ruta, para luego continuar por un dinámicos senderos de bosque nativo hasta el kilómetro 23 y comenzar un descenso altamente técnico de 7 kilómetros.

Route of 60 kilometers, 2 turns route 30k. Each turn will be a 90% trail route, it begins with a 10-kilometer climb accumulating a positive difference of approximately 1000 meters, concentrating the main altimetry of the route, and then continues along dynamic native forest trails until kilometer 23 and begins a highly technical descent of 7 kilometers