Event Information

 Thisted, Denmark
23 September 2022 to 24 September 2022

Cold Hawaii Ultra 2022

100 miles

ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2022/09/23
 Start Time: 18:00:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 162.30
 Elevation Gain: +690
 Elevation Loss: -690
 Time Limit: 30:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 7
 Number of Participants: 100

About the Race

Cold Hawaii Ultra er et af Danmarks smukkeste, barskeste og mest øde trailløb, der finder sted 25. september 2021 i Nationalpark Thy og Jammerbugten. Løbet foregår på 5 distancer: 11 km 25 km 50 km 50 miles (ca. 80,5 km) Alle distancer er rigtige A - B løb uden nogen form for sløjer. Den vestlige del af Thy og Jammerbugten er områder, der er formet af århundreders sandflugt og rummer i dag store nationale og internationale natur- og landskabsværdier i form af kyst, klitter, klitheder, søer og klitplantager. Området er karaktereiseret af uberørte heder, vindomsuste vidder, store rene søer og plantagernes stilhed. Cold Hawaii Ultra fremviser noget af den smukkeste og mest unikke natur i Danmark med en helt særlig kulturhistorie tilknyttet det barske landskab. Distancerne på 50 miles og kortere og vil under hele løbet bevæge sig ad Vestkyststien, der strækker sig fra Bulbjerg til Agger, og som primært følger den gamle Redningsvej. Besøg vores hjemmeside thyultra.dk eller kontakt simon@thyrace.dk for mere information.

Cold Hawaii Ultra is one of Denmark's most beautiful, roughest, and most deserted trail runs taking place 25. September 2021 in Thy National Park and Jammerbugten. The race features 5 different routes: 11 km 25 km 50 km 50 miles All routes are true A - B races without any loops. The western part of Thy and Jammerbugten are areas that are shaped by the drifting sands that have plagued the locals for centuries, encroaching on their lands and buildings. The landscape comprises windy coasts and dune systems, either bare, covered by heaths, meadows, or plantations, with a great number of conifers. Wet hollows also occur, and between this varied coastal landscape, small ponds and lakes can be found. The sandy dune heaths in Thy National Park are a rare habitat in a European context, and they are to be protected by law, so they have been a major contributory factor in establishing the national park. Cold Hawaii Ultra exhibits some of the most beautiful and unique nature in Denmark with a very special cultural history. The 100 miles route starts in Løkken and follows the North Sea Trail and Hærvejsruten before joining all the remaining routes on Vestkyststien from Bulbjerg to Agger. All routes feature exciting trails between the dunes, beach sections, conifers, and small fishing communities where fishermen pull up their boats on the beaches. All routes finish in the small fisher village Agger. Note that the first half of the 100 miles route will not be completely marked and demands that the participants bring and use a GPS unit (either a GPS running watch or a dedicated GPS unit). There will be some markings on difficult passages. The last half of the route will be clearly marked. Visit our website https://thyultra.dk (in Danish) or contact simon@thyrace.dk for more information.
