Event Information

 Hangzhou, China
16 April 2022

Dayan Mountain 2022

大岩山位于杭州萧山、绍兴柯桥、诸暨交界处。主峰485米,这里森林覆盖率高,青山绿水,溪水清辙,有小九寨沟之称。 萧绍古道, 也叫山阴古道。进化镇古时属山阴县,山阴古道是进化镇一带去绍兴城的重要通道。“山阴道士如相见,应写黄庭换白鹅”,便是诗人李白引用书圣王羲之爱鹅如痴,写黄庭换白鹅的典故。今日山阴道上白鹅还能见,而世间再无王羲之。山阴道上行,如在画中游。这里人文深厚,风景如画。 大岩山赛道总长约98公里,累计爬升约5000米,ITRA积分5分(申请中)。

Dayan Mountain is located at the junction of Xiaoshan, Shaoxing Keqiao and Zhuji in Hangzhou. The main peak is 485 meters, where the forest coverage rate is high, the green mountains and green water, the stream is clear, and it is known as the small Jiuzhaigou. Xiaoshao Ancient Road, also known as Shanyin Ancient Road. In ancient times, evolution


ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2022/04/16
 Start Time: 07:00:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 95.50
 Elevation Gain: +4250
 Elevation Loss: -4320
 Time Limit: 24:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 8
 Number of Participants: 20

About the Race

大岩山位于杭州萧山、绍兴柯桥、诸暨交界处。主峰485米,这里森林覆盖率高,青山绿水,溪水清辙,有小九寨沟之称。 萧绍古道, 也叫山阴古道。进化镇古时属山阴县,山阴古道是进化镇一带去绍兴城的重要通道。“山阴道士如相见,应写黄庭换白鹅”,便是诗人李白引用书圣王羲之爱鹅如痴,写黄庭换白鹅的典故。今日山阴道上白鹅还能见,而世间再无王羲之。山阴道上行,如在画中游。这里人文深厚,风景如画。 大岩山赛道总长约98公里,累计爬升约5000米,ITRA积分5分(申请中)。大岩山即将掲开她神秘面纱,吸引广大跑友来此探古访幽、放飞心情。 作者:中国摄影家协会会员吴海平先生 赛道起终点为南宋名将岳飞曾经驻军地欢潭古村,经大岩山风景区、千年古刹大岩寺、双叶古村(周敦颐后人聚集地)、叶家山(黎明古村),一路瀑布溪水相伴到大山坞再上紫岩古寺(晋代)、大华寺(东晋)、萧绍古道、曹山古寺(唐代)。穿越安基岗到越王勾践曾经卧薪尝胆、砺戈秣马之地一一越王峥。离开越王峥风景区,翻赵坞古道来到杨梅和茶叶之乡所前镇杜家村,村前流过的溪水叫浣溪,相传为西施当年浣纱之处,过浣溪翻越青化山回到十里梅乡进化镇,经近代民族英雄葛云飞将军故里云飞村回到欢潭古村。这是一条风景优美,充满典故,既有江南山林之婉约、又兼具崇山峻岭之险峻、适跑性强又不失各种路况的路线,一路时而溪水潺潺悦耳,心情愉悦;时而瀑布隆隆,似金戈铁马,气势恢宏,让人顿生豪迈之情;时而穿梭竹林幽径古道之间,听风吹竹鸣,身临画境;时而登上崇山之巅,观群山逶迤,豪气回荡。

Big Rock Mountain is located in Hangzhou Xiaoshan, Shaoxing Keqiao, zhuji junction. The main peak 485 meters, high forest coverage here, green mountains and clear water, brook ruts, known as little Jiuzhaigou. Xiao Shao Ancient Road, also known as Shanyin Ancient Road. Evolutionarily town ancient time belongs to shanyin county, shanyin ancient road is evolutionarily town area to shaoxing city important channel. "If the Taoist priest of mountain shade meets each other, he should write huangting for a white goose." The poet Li Bai quoted the sage Wang Xizhi, who loved geese like crazy, and wrote huangting for a white goose. Today, white geese can still be seen on the shanyin road, and there is no Wang Xizhi in the world. Shanyin road line, such as in the middle of the painting. Here profound culture, picturesque scenery. The total length of the big Rock Mountain course is about 98 km, and the total climb is about 5000 meters. ITRA score is 5 points (application is under way). Big Rock Is about to open its mysterious veil, attracting many people to come here to explore the ancient world, explore the secluded and relax. The course starts and ends at Huantan Ancient village, where Yue Fei, a famous soldier of the Southern Song Dynasty, once stationed, passing by Dayan Mountain Scenic Spot, Dayan Temple, Shuangye Ancient Village (where Descendants of Zhou Dunyi gather), Yejiashan (Liming ancient village), All the way waterfall stream accompanied to dashanwu and then on the purple rock temple (Jin dynasty), Dahua Temple (Eastern Jin Dynasty), Xiao Shao road, Cao Shan temple (Tang Dynasty). Through an Ji Gang to The King of Yue Gou Jian once slept on brushwood and tasted gall, Li Ge Ma - one more Wang Zheng. Left the Yuewang Zheng Scenic spot, turned the Zhaowu ancient road to dujia Village, suoqian town, home of bayberry and tea. The stream flowing through the village was called Huanxi, which was said to be the place where Xishi used to wash yarn. After Huanxi crossed qinghua Mountain and returned to Evolution Town of Shilimei Township, and returned to Huantian ancient village through yunfei Village, the hometown of general Ge Yunfei, the modern national hero. This is a beautiful scenery, full of allusions, not only the graceful mountains in the South of the Yangtze River, but also the steep mountains, strong running and do not lose a variety of road conditions of the route, sometimes along the way the pleasant stream, happy; Sometimes the waterfall rumble, like gold, iron horse, momentum

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