Event Information

 El Paso, Spain
01 July 2022 to 03 July 2022

European Athletics Off-Road Running Championships EL PASO 2022

Entre el 1 y el 3 de julio Reventón El Paso será el epicentro del trail running europeo, acogiendo la primera edición del nuevo Campeonato de Europa que combina las disciplinas de trail running y mountain running.

From July 1 to 3 Reventón El Paso will be the epicenter of European trail running, hosting the first edition of the new European Championship that combines the disciplines of trail running and mountain running.

Uphill Mountain Race Elite Senior Women

ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2022/07/01
 Start Time: 10:30:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 8.80
 Elevation Gain: +1000
 Elevation Loss: -60
 Time Limit: 1:20:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 2
 Number of Participants: 100

About the Race

Un nuevo recorrido creado en exclusiva para la celebración de este primer European Athletics Off-Road Running Championships de la historia. Una vertical ideal para los amantes de las subidas vertiginosas. Un recorrido por las laderas del pico Bejenao sin descansos y en continuo ascenso donde los atletas se van a encontrar corriendo dentro del pinar canario y serpenteando por los antiguos caminos reales del municipio. Aquellos afortunados que puedan levantar la cabeza, disfrutarán de unas vistas privilegiadas que aumentarán de valor paisajístico según se vaya ascendiendo. Una prueba con 8.850 metros de duro trazado en ascenso, una elevación de 997 metros de desnivel y dos avituallamientos (kilómetros 2,5 y meta), que transcurre por senderos perfectamente transitables que permiten poner a prueba las destrezas de cada atleta.

A new course created exclusively for the celebration of this first ever European Athletics Off-Road Running Championships. An ideal vertical for lovers of vertiginous climbs. A course through the slopes of the Bejenao peak without breaks and in continuous ascent where athletes will find themselves running inside the Canary pine forest and winding through the old royal paths of the municipality. Those lucky enough to be able to raise their heads, will enjoy privileged views that will increase in scenic value as they ascend. A race with 8,850 meters of hard uphill route, an elevation gain of 997 meters and two refreshment stations (kilometers 2.5 and finish line), which runs along perfectly passable trails that allow to test the skills of each athlete.
