Event Information

 Fagaras, Romania
04 August 2023 to 05 August 2023

Fagaras Rocks! 2023

Fagarasu-i Fagaras, provocarea maxima când vorbim de masive alpine din tara. Fagaras Rocks! ... 4 curse ce viziteaza golul alpin al Fagarasilor. Skyrunning pe poteci, muchii si zone din creasta sălbatice, cu urcari / coborari brutale si peisaje ce ne taie respiratia. Trasee pe care ajungi la un maxim de 2506 m si pe care poti vizita 16 vârfuri de

We really experience life in those amazing goose bumps moments! Fagaras ... the highest and the most spectacular massif in Romania. 4 races ... all of them reaching the high alpine areas. Skyrunning on literally wild trails, edges and ridges, almost untouched by humans, with brutal ascents and descents and breathtaking views. The Făgăras Rocks! pa

#TheWildTruth ultra skyrace

ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2023/08/04
 Start Time: 02:30:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 127.10
 Elevation Gain: +10470
 Elevation Loss: -10470
 Time Limit: 48:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 15
 Number of Participants: 45

About the Race

TheWildTruth … este cursa de ultra skyrunning la care visam de cativa ani. Este cursa care va naste legende si care-ti va revela multe adevaruri despre tine insuti, daca dai curs provocarii de 128 km / 11 000 m D+. Este cursa prin care aniversam 20 de ani de la primul concurs de alergare montana din Romania: ”Maratonul Sambata - Moldoveanu”. Un traseu ce te duce pe 4 vârfuri de peste 2500 m, te duce pe cel mai inalt punct al Romaniei, te duce pe poteci de creasta sau de pădure si prin zone nemarcate, neumblate, sălbatice, pe urmele rezistentei anticomuniste care s-a ascuns si a luptat în acesti munti mai bine de 10 ani după al doilea război mondial. Un traseu ce respiră prin toți porii elementele cheie ale Fagaras Rocks!: #wild #brutal #breathtaking #TraimExperienta.

They say the Romanian mountains are the ultimate wild place in Europe. They say here you can find the nature's last untouched creation, where the trees are not planted by human hand and the animal chain is still complete. TheWildTruth … it's the ultra skyrunning race we are dreaming and working on for the past years. It's probably the wildest race in Europe, the race where legends will be born in years to come. The experience where you will find some wild truths about yourself as a human and as a ultrarunner, on ridge tracks, forrest trails or even unmarked wild tracks that will touch your being forever. The race that celebrates 20 years from the first romanian mountain race: ”The Sambata - Moldoveanu Marathon”. The experience that carries you over the highest point of Romania and over the wild area where anti-comunist resistance hid and fought for more that 10 years after WW2. A race that breaths all over the key words of the Fagaras Rocks! event: #wild #brutal #breathtaking #LivingTheExperience.
