Event Information

 Pian de' Valli, Italy
10 July 2022

K42 ITALIA 2022

K15 Terminillo

ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2022/07/10
 Start Time: 09:00:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 14.70
 Elevation Gain: +1150
 Elevation Loss: -1150
 Time Limit: 5:30:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 1
 Number of Participants: 300

About the Race

Un anello di 15 km e 1160 mD+ con partenza e arrivo da piazza Pian de' Valli a Terminillo. Il tracciato porta ad ammirare tutti i versanti del Monte Terminillo, e dopo il suggestivo traverso sotto la parete Nord, affronta l'ascesa fino alla vetta a 2217 m, per poi rituffarsi su Pian de' Valli.

A ring of 15 km and 1160 mD+ with departure and arrival from Piazza Pian de' Valli in Terminillo. The route leads you to admire all the slopes of Monte Terminillo, and after the suggestive traverse under the north wall, it faces the ascent to the summit at 2217 m, and then plunges back onto Pian de' Valli.
