Event Information

 Cetinje, Montenegro
19 May 2019

Lovcenski Planinski Maraton 2019

Lovcenski Planinski Maraton

ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2019/05/19
 Start Time: 08:00:00
 Participation: solo
 Distance: 34.60
 Elevation Gain: +1900
 Elevation Loss: -1900
 Time Limit: 9:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 3
 Number of Participants: 500
Championship: Orjen Outdoor Montenegro League
Challenge: Orjen Outdoor Montenegro League

About the Race

LovcenTrail 2019 je takmicenje koje ce se odvijati na stazama razlicite dužine na kojem ucešce mogu uzeti takmicari svih nivoa, kako profesionalci tako rekreativci, pristalice zdravih stilova života i zaljubljenici u prirodu. Trka je jednodnevni dogadaj i održava se na podrucju Nacionalnog parka Lovcen. 5 LOVCENSKIH VRHOVA - 38 km i 2000 kumulativnog uspona. Trka startuje na Ivanovim Koritima, u nedelju, 19.05.2019. godine, u 08:30 casova. Vremenski limit za završetak trke je 9 sati.

LovceTrail 2019 is a competition that will take place on different lengths where participants can take competitors of all levels, both professional and recreational, supporters of healthy lifestyles and nature lovers. The race is a one-day event and is held in the area of the Lovcen National Park. 5 LOVCENS PEAKS - 38 km and 2000 cumulative climb. The race starts at Ivans Korita, in the sunday, 19.05.2019. at 08:30. The run time limit is 9 hours.
