Correr 42 km a más de 4.000 msnm seguramente va a exigir lo máximo de ti, esta distancia está reservada a aquellos que ya han experimentado que se siente correr 42 km pero aun así ni el más experimentado corredor podrá anticiparse a las condiciones que la montaña impondrá durante la carrera, solo quienes logren sobreponerse mentalmente y se hayan preparado físicamente podrán superar esta dura prueba.
Running 42 km at more than 4000 masl will surely demand the most from you, this distance is reserved for those who have already experienced what it feels to run 42 km but even the most experienced runner can not anticipate the conditions that the mountain will show during the race, only those who manage to overcome mentally and have been physically prepared will be able to conquer this tough race.