Event Information

 Izola, Slovenia
05 November 2021 to 06 November 2021

PHILIPS Ultra Trail 2021 2021

PHILIPS Ultra Trail z razgledi je športni dogodek, ki povezuje Izolo, Koper, Kozino in Piran v združeno celoto. Vizija in namen organizatorja je, da dogodek poveže in predstavi svetu lepote slovenske obale s tekom po neštetih stezicah v okolici. Namen slednjega je druženje, tek, in pohajanje – skratka aktivnosti v naravi. Vljudno vabljeni na Phili

PHILIPS Ultra Trail with views is a sporting event that connects Izola, Koper, Kozina and Piran into a single whole. The vision and purpose of the organizer is to connect the event and present it to the world of beauty of the Slovenian coast by running along countless paths in the area. The purpose of the latter is to hanging, run, and walk - in sh

Obala Ultra Trail 87 km

ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2021/11/05
 Start Time: 23:00:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 89.20
 Elevation Gain: +3170
 Elevation Loss: -3200
 Time Limit: 24:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 7
 Number of Participants: 150

About the Race

Start za najdaljšo 87 km traso je v Dekanih, organiziran bo prevoz z avtobusi iz Izole do starta in potem iz Kopra na cilju, nazaj v Izolo. Trasa poteka po cudoviti pokrajini z enkratnimi razgledi na vinske trte, Oljcnike in našo obalo ... Dekani-Tinjan-Osp-Sucerb-Petrinje-Prešnica-Slavnik-Podgorje-Kojnik-Brežec-Zazid-Veliki Gradež-Kuk-Lacna-Kubed-Popetre-Trsek-Truške-Boršt-Labor-dolina Dragonje-Pomjan-Kampel-Šalara-Prade-Titov trg. Prijavnina do 30.04.2021: 85 €, 01.05. - 31.08.2021: 95 €, 01.09. - 15.10.2021: 105 €,

The start for the longest 87 km route is in small village Dekani, there will be organized transport by bus from Izola to the start and then from Koper at the finish, back to Izola. The route runs through a beautiful landscape with unique views of the vines, olive groves and our coast ... Deans-Tinjan-Osp-Sucerb-Petrinje-Prešnica-Slavnik-Podgorje-Kojnik-Brežec-Zazid-Veliki Gradež-Kuk-Lacna-Kubed- Popetre-Trsek-Truške-Boršt-Labor-dolina Dragonje-Pomjan-Kampel-Šalara-Prade-Titov trg. Registration fee do 30.04.2021: 85 €, 01.05. – 31.08.2021: 95 €, 01.09. – 15.10.2021: 105 €,

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