Event Information

 Suncuius, Romania
26 March 2022

Primavera Trail Race 2022

Primavera Trail Race este o competi?ie de alergare montana organizata de AS Xterra Sport Bihor, gazduita de perla Mun?ilor Padurea Craiului, Vadu Cri?ului ?i împrejurarile acestuia. Startul ?i Finish-ul vor fi deopotriva în satul ?uncuius, situat la intrarea în defileul Cri?ului. Ruta competi?iei parcurge drumuri forestiere ?i poteci turistice mar

Primavera Trail Race is a trail running competition organized by AS Xterra Sport Bihor, hosted by the pearl of the Padurea Craiului Mountains, Vadu Cri?ului and its surroundings. The Start and the Finish will both be in ?uncuiu? village, situated at the entrance of the canion. The route of the race leads on forest roads and marked tourist paths. T

Primavera Trail Race Cross

ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2022/03/26
 Start Time: 09:20:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 16.30
 Elevation Gain: +950
 Elevation Loss: -960
 Time Limit: 4:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 1
 Number of Participants: 250

About the Race

Primavera Trail Race este o competi?ie de alergare montana organizata de AS Xterra Sport Bihor, gazduita de perla Mun?ilor Padurea Craiului, Vadu Cri?ului ?i împrejurarile acestuia. Startul ?i Finish-ul vor fi deopotriva în satul ?uncuius, situat la intrarea în defileul Cri?ului. Ruta competi?iei parcurge drumuri forestiere ?i poteci turistice marcate. Traseul trece pe lânga atrac?iile cele mai mai frumoase ale zonei, dar în acela?i timp este un traseu tehnic, ?i din cauza diferen?ei mare de nivel, extrem de dificil.

Primavera Trail Race is a trail running competition organized by AS Xterra Sport Bihor, hosted by the pearl of the Padurea Craiului Mountains, Vadu Cri?ului and its surroundings. The Start and the Finish will both be in ?uncuiu? village, situated at the entrance of the canion. The route of the race leads on forest roads and marked tourist paths. The course passes by the most beautiful attractions of the area, but in the same time it is technical and because of the high elevation, it is extremely difficult.

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