Event Information

 Stefesti, Romania
21 May 2021

Romania Backyard Ultra 2021

Romania Backyard Ultra este primul si pâna acum singurul Backyard Ultra din România. Participantii alearga o tura de 6,706 km in fiecare ora. In fiecare ora se da startul unei noi ture. Castiga cine alearga cu o tura in plus fata de toti ceilalti. Primele 15 rezultate din acest format vor forma lotul Romaniei pentru Campionatele Mondiale din 2022

The Romania Backyard Ultra is the first and so far only backyard ultra in Romania. The participants run a course (lap) that measures 6.706 km – If you complete the lap in ONE HOUR, you are still in the competition – Every full hour starts a new lap – The winner is the one (man / woman) who runs a full lap more than any other participant.

72 Loops

ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2021/05/21
 Start Time: 12:00:00
 Participation: solo
 Distance: 244.90
 Elevation Gain: +3570
 Elevation Loss: -3570
 Time Limit: 36:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 36
 Number of Participants: 50
Championship: 2021 National Championship

About the Race

The Romania Backyard Ultra is the first and so far only backyard ultra in Romania. Backyard Ultra is a great concept for all levels of runners – everyone can challenge their own limits! The participants run a course (lap) that measures 6.706 km – If you complete the lap in ONE HOUR, you are still in the competition – Every full hour starts a new lap – You must not skip one lap, nor come too late to the start of the next lap, then you are out – The winner is the one (man / woman) who runs a full lap more than any other participant. Our national record is only 33 lap from Ana Cristina Constantin – Big Dog’s Backyard World Championship (ESP) – 17.10.2020 Due to the limited number of available entries, runners have a great opportunity to get to know each other very well during the race. To make sure everyone can give his very best, the cooler master chief Sebi provides excellent food… from time to time. Join and become Backyard Ultra representative for Romania national team.