Event Information

 Nova Gorica, Slovenia
11 September 2021


Tek med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo Sabotin, Škabrijel in Sveta Gora so v samem središcu našega doživetja. Vzpetine, ki so nekoc locevale, nas danes združujejo in prav tukaj smo se odlocili, da vam ponudimo edinstveno tekaško izkušnjo. Cez njihove vrhove smo postavili tri proge. Na razdaljah 14, 34 in 64 km vam ponujamo tek po cudovitih stezicah i

The run between the past and the future Sabotin, Škabrijel and Sveta Gora are in the mere centre of our running experience. The hills that once, not so long ago, separated us, today they unite us, and therefore, we have decided to offer you a unique running experience. We set up three route courses across their peaks. On these three courses, 14 km,

Soca Ultra

ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2021/09/11
 Start Time: 07:00:00
 Participation: solo
 Distance: 62.80
 Elevation Gain: +3000
 Elevation Loss: -3000
 Time Limit: 12:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 6
 Number of Participants: 500

About the Race

64 km / 2864 D+ ( GOULTRA ) Pocasna a drzna Ultra vas bo kot že njeno ime pove, pocasi a drzno pripeljala na višino Triglava. Na 64 km dolgem potovanju pa vam predstavila skupek vseh razdalj in za najbolj vzdržljive ultra tekace kot se spodobi še nepozaben celoten greben Sabotina. V primeru omejitev s strani NIJZ -Covid-19 si pridružujemo pravico spremembe programa, kraja in izvedbe celotne prireditve. O vseh spremembah boste pravocasno obvešceni na naši spletni strani novice in v socialnih medijih. Organizator: Javni zavod za šport Nova Gorica Bazoviška 4, 5000 Nova Gorica Datum: 11. september 2021 Ura: 7.00 Štart / cilj: Kajak center Solkan, Nova Gorica

Basic information 64 km / 2864 D + (GOULTRA) Slow but daring Ultra will, as its name suggests, slowly but boldly bring you to the heights of Triglav. On the 64 km long journey, we present you with a set of all distances and for the most endurable ultra runners, as befits the event, the entire unforgettable Sabotin ridge. In case of restrictions by NIJZ Covid-19, we reserve the right to change the program, venue and implementation of the entire event. You will be informed about all the changes in a timely manner on our website news and on social media. Organizer: Public Institute for Sports Nova Gorica Bazoviška 4, 5000 Nova Gorica Date: September 11th, 2021 Hours: 7.00 Start / finish: Kayak center Solkan, Nova Gorica

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