Event Information

 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
28 September 2019

Skakavac Trail 2019

Sarajevo is the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is located in the central part of South-Eastern Europe and Balkans, that is, in the central part of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sarajevo is the largest urban, economic and cultural center of the country. It is the only city in the region with true Olympic heritage. The XIV Winter Olympic Games

Skakavac Trail 35km

ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2019/09/28
 Start Time: 10:30:00
 Participation: solo
 Distance: 34.60
 Elevation Gain: +1480
 Elevation Loss: -2060
 Time Limit: 8:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 3
 Number of Participants: 200

About the Race

Na ovoj stazi osjetit cete prave cari i iskušenja trail trcanja. Start utrke je na prelijepom sarajevskom izletištu Cavljak na 1250 metara nadmorske visine. Ovaj vidikovac se nalazi na 9 kilometara od Bašcaršije, odakle mami jedinstveni pogled na Šeher. Preko sarajevskog Ozrena, Crepoljskog i Bukovika staza ulazi u zašticeno prirodno podrucje, a cijelim svojim putem prolazi kroz predjele koji plijene svojom ljepotom. Na ovoj dionici sasvim je normalno da se i sredinom ljeta u malom vremenskom razmaku izmijene sva cetiri godišnja doba. Dolaskom na Uževicu spaja se sa drugom stazom i prolazi pored vodopada Skakavac.

On this course you will feel real charms and temptations of trail running. The start is at the beautiful Sarajevo resort of Cavljak at 1250 meters above sea level. This viewpoint is located at 9 kilometers from Bašcaršija, with enticing unique view of Šeher. Over the Sarajevo Ozren, Crepoljsko and Bukovik peaks, trail course enters the protected natural area, and all along the way passing through the areas of eye-catching beauty. On this part of the course, it is quite normal, in mid-summer, to have all four seasons exchange in a very short period of time. Upon arrival at Uževica, it joins the other course and follows the path near waterfall Skakavac.
