Event Information

 TONGLU, China
10 March 2024


“三吴行尽千山水,犹道桐庐更清美。”镶嵌于青山绿水间的桐庐,有着得天独厚的生态环境,自古素有“钟灵毓秀之地、潇洒文明之邦”的美誉。桐庐山的伟岸,石的气势,水的灵韵,林的秀色,构成了桐庐山水洞天、色彩斑斓的景致与诗画般的意境。桐庐富春山峡谷越野赛正是在此诗画山水间拉开序幕,赛事是由桐庐县人民政府主办,桐庐县文化和广电旅游体育局承办,意在深入感受桐庐得天独厚的绝美风光的同时体会桐庐悠久的历史文化底蕴。 “两岸画山相对出,一脉秀水迤逦来”。富春江作为贯穿桐庐的母亲河,素有"小三峡"之称,以其“奇山异水、天下独绝”的魅力引得李白、苏东坡等历代文人墨客,留下了数以千计的描绘富春江和桐庐的诗词华章及山水画卷,尤其以黄公望的《富春山居图》和范仲淹的《潇洒桐庐郡十咏》最具代表,冠以桐庐“潇洒”之名、“画城”

"Three Wus have traveled through a thousand mountains and rivers, but Tonglu is known to be even more beautiful." Nestled among the green mountains and clear waters, Tonglu boasts a unique ecological environment and has long been renowned as a land of natural beauty and cultural refinement. The grandeur of Tonglu's mountains, the imposing presence


ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2024/03/10
 Start Time: 07:30:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 56.70
 Elevation Gain: +2550
 Elevation Loss: -2540
 Time Limit: 16:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 0
 Number of Participants: 500

About the Race

“三吴行尽千山水,犹道桐庐更清美。”镶嵌于青山绿水间的桐庐,有着得天独厚的生态环境,自古素有“钟灵毓秀之地、潇洒文明之邦”的美誉。桐庐山的伟岸,石的气势,水的灵韵,林的秀色,构成了桐庐山水洞天、色彩斑斓的景致与诗画般的意境。桐庐富春山峡谷越野赛正是在此诗画山水间拉开序幕,赛事是由桐庐县人民政府主办,桐庐县文化和广电旅游体育局承办,意在深入感受桐庐得天独厚的绝美风光的同时体会桐庐悠久的历史文化底蕴。 “两岸画山相对出,一脉秀水迤逦来”。富春江作为贯穿桐庐的母亲河,素有"小三峡"之称,以其“奇山异水、天下独绝”的魅力引得李白、苏东坡等历代文人墨客,留下了数以千计的描绘富春江和桐庐的诗词华章及山水画卷,尤其以黄公望的《富春山居图》和范仲淹的《潇洒桐庐郡十咏》最具代表,冠以桐庐“潇洒”之名、“画城”之韵。桐庐的山山水水,已与历史、文化、传说融为一体。 大奇山,素有“江南第一名山”美誉,是“浙江最美森林”和“浙江十大休闲基地”之一。春日的大奇山,茂林修竹,溪水潺潺,曲折的山路上春意盎然,诗意氤氲。 本次的路线在富春山脉中穿梭而行,赛道以以山间小道、古木树林、防火道、土路、枯叶路、绿道等为主,途径大奇山国家森林公园、金牛潭、龙头坞、颐居养生小镇、天坪岗、黄狼尖、华林禅寺等景点。群山连绵的富春山脉,丹崖绿树苍苍。尽遨游,山南山北,都成画里村乡。此时的你,是微风,是朝霞,是心跳,是无可替代。山涧的清风被揉成曲谱,至此,山川河流,人间仙境!

"Three Wus have traveled through a thousand mountains and rivers, but Tonglu is known to be even more beautiful." Nestled among the green mountains and clear waters, Tonglu boasts a unique ecological environment and has long been renowned as a land of natural beauty and cultural refinement. The grandeur of Tonglu's mountains, the imposing presence of its rocks, the elegance of its waters, and the beauty of its forests combine to create a picturesque and poetic scenery. The Tonglu Fuchun Mountain Off-Road Race takes place in this picturesque landscape. The event is organized by the People's Government of Tonglu County and hosted by the Cultural, Radio, Television, Tourism, and Sports Bureau of Tonglu County. Its aim is to deeply appreciate the breathtaking scenery of Tonglu and experience its rich historical and cultural heritage. "On both sides of the river, mountains emerge, and a stream of beautiful water flows gracefully." Fuchun River, as the mother river running through Tonglu, is often referred to as the "Little Three Gorges." Its charm of "strange mountains and unique waters, unparalleled in the world" has attracted numerous literati and poets throughout history, including Li Bai and Su Dongpo, who have left behind countless poems and paintings depicting Fuchun River and Tonglu. Huang Gongwang's painting "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains" and Fan Zhongyan's poem collection "Ten Poems of Tonglu County" are particularly representative, epitomizing the elegance and artistic charm of Tonglu. Tonglu's mountains and waters have blended seamlessly with its history, culture, and legends. Daqi Mountain, known as the "number one mountain in Jiangnan," is renowned as one of the most beautiful forests and top leisure destinations in Zhejiang Province. In spring, Daqi Mountain is covered in lush bamboo groves, and the murmuring streams add to the poetic ambiance along the winding mountain roads. The route for this event traverses the Fuchun Mountain Range, mainly consisting of mountain trails, ancient woodlands, firebreaks, dirt roads, leaf-strewn paths, and greenways. It passes through attractions such as Daqi Mountain National Forest Park, Jinniu Lake, Longtou Dock, Yiju Health Town, Tianping Hill, Huanglang Peak, and Hualin Zen Temple. The continuous range of mountains in the Fuchun Mountain Range, with its cliffside green trees, invites exploration and creates picturesque villages in every direction. At this moment, you become the gentle breeze, the morning glow, the heartbeat—irreplaceable. The clear wind in the mountain ravines forms a musical score. Here, mountains, rivers, and landscapes combine to create a realm of wonder on Earth!

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