Event Information

 Castellón de la Plana, Spain
06 March 2020 to 08 March 2020

Top of the Rock Ultra Trail by Stages 2020

Top Of The Rock - Short Etapa1

ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2020/03/06
 Start Time: 08:00:00
 Participation: solo
 Distance: 45.80
 Elevation Gain: +2140
 Elevation Loss: -1800
 Time Limit: 9:30:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 4
 Number of Participants: 50

About the Race

Descubre un nuevo desafío en carreras de montaña, diferente a todo lo que conoces hasta el momento en el mundo del ultra trail y que hará que tu forma de plantearte las carreras cambie por completo. 3 ETAPAS (2 o 1) Cruzar una única línea de meta ya no es el objetivo, te esperan tres espectaculares líneas de meta a lo largo de la provincia de Castellón. SEMI-AUTOSUFICIENCIA Tú, tu equipaje, tu mochila y tres días por delante. Desconecta de todo y disfruta del camino. TIERRA DE CASTILLOS Y CABALLEROS MEDIEVALES Castillos medievales, calzadas romanas, territorios templarios…las leyendas y la épica te acompañaran a cada paso que des.

Discover a new challenge in mountain races, different to everything you know so far in the world of ultra trail and that will make your way of thinking about the races change completely. 3 STAGES (2 o 1) Crossing a single finish line is no longer the goal, three spectacular finish lines await you throughout the province of Castellón. SEMI-SELF-SUFFICIENCY You, your luggage, your backpack and three days ahead. Disconnect from everything and enjoy the path. EARTH OF CASTLES AND MEDIEVAL KNIGHTS Medieval castles, Roman roads, Templar territories ... the legends and the epic will accompany you at every step you take.

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