Event Information

 Palamós, Spain
12 March 2023

Trail Costa Brava 2023

Trail Costa Brava

ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2023/03/12
 Start Time: 10:00:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 23.60
 Elevation Gain: +700
 Elevation Loss: -700
 Time Limit: 3:30:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 3
 Number of Participants: 200

About the Race

No et descobrirem la Costa Brava, però et direm que no et limitis a contemplar-la com si es tractés d’una postal. Per conèixer-la cal viure-la, cal sentir-la. Només formant part d’ella entendràs perquè és una de les costes més espectaculars del planeta. T’esperem a Palamós perquè ho corroboris tu mateix. Tres recorreguts per donar vida al Trail Costa Brava.

Everybody know the Costa Brava, but everybody look at it like a postcard. To really know it you have to live it, you have to feel it. Only taking part of it, you will understand why it is one of the most spectacular coasts on the planet. We wait for you in Palamós. Three tracks to come true an other edition of the Trail Costa Brave.