No te descubriremos la Costa Brava, pero te diremos que no te limites a contemplarla como si de una postal se tratara. Para conocerla hay que vivirla, hay que sentirla. Solo formando parte de ella entenderás porque es una de las costas más deslumbrantes del planeta. Te esperamos en Palamós porque lo corrobores tú mismo. Tres recorridos para dar vida al Trail Costa Brava.
We will not discover you the Costa Brava, but we will tell you that don’t just to look it like a postcard. To understand it you have to live it, you have to feel it. Only if you take part of it you will know because it is one of the most amazing coasts of the planet. We wait for you in Palamós to corroborate it yourself. Three routes to give life to the Trail Costa Brava.