Event Information

 Ourém, Portugal
21 January 2024

Trail Serra D'Aire 2024

O Trail Serra D’Aire é uma prova de Trail que tem início e fim na aldeia de Bairro, concelho de Ourém, recorrerá no dia 21 de janeiro de 2024. Os trilhos percorrem a Serra D'Aire e as suas orlas e estão inseridos no Parque Nacional Serra de Aire e Candeeiros. A prova proporciona o contacto com a natureza.

Serra d'Aire Trail it's a race that shall take place in the natural and beautiful surroundings of the Serra D’Aire, the eastern parte of PNSAC – Park Natural Serra D’Aire e Candeeiros. The race starts and finishes in a village called Bairro, in Ourém. The Serra D’Aire is situated mostly in the north western part of County Santarem. The terrain i

Trail Serra D'Aire - Longo

ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2024/01/21
 Start Time: 08:00:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 35.00
 Elevation Gain: +2000
 Elevation Loss: --1885
 Time Limit: 8:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 3
 Number of Participants: 400

About the Race

O Trail Serra D’Aire é uma prova de Trail que tem início e fim na aldeia de Bairro, concelho de Ourém. Os trilhos percorrem a Serra D'Aire e as suas orlas e estão inseridos no Parque Nacional Serra de Aire e Candeeiros. A Serra D’Aire é conhecida pelo reino da pedra, com trilhos bastante técnicos. Uma prova onde a beleza da natureza envolvente faz aso à dificuldade do terreno.

The race shall take place in the natural and beautiful surroundings of the Serra D’Aire, the eastern parte of PNSAC – Park Natural Serra D’Aire e Candeeiros, a Park of nearly 400 sq. Km. The Serra D’aire is knowed as the “stone Kingdon”, with technical paths involved with nature. Serra D’Aire is situated mostly in the north western part of County Santarem. The terrain is quite rugged, with elevations between 300 and 600 metres
