Event Information

 Erbezzo (VR), Italy
02 July 2022

Tzimbar Race 2022

Un’esperienza di trail straordinaria sugli alti pascoli della Lessinia! La Tzimbar Race è un trail imprevedibile. Discese mozzafiato in single track, salite spettacolari dalle più lievi alle più dure (attrezzate con corda fissa). 3 percorsi: Tzimbar Race 36, Tzimbar Race 15 e Tzimbar Race Original (7km con 4 prove cimbre di abilità e forza).

An extraordinary trail experience on the high pastures of Lessinia! The Tzimbar Race is an unpredictable trail. Breathtaking single track descents, spectacular climbs from the lightest to the hardest (equipped with a fixed rope). 3 different trail: Tzimbar Race 36, Tzimbar Race 15 and Tzimbar Race Original (7km and 4 proof of ability and strenght).

Tzimbar Race Original

ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2022/07/02
 Start Time: 14:30:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 6.30
 Elevation Gain: +350
 Elevation Loss: -350
 Time Limit: 2:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 1
 Number of Participants: 500

About the Race

Un’esperienza di trail straordinaria sugli alti pascoli della Lessinia! La Tzimbar Race Original è un trail imprevedibile di 7 km con molti sali e scendi e, alla fine, 4 prove di abilità che ricordano gli antichi lavori fatti dalle persone che vivevano su queste montagne.

An extraordinary trail experience on the high pastures of Lessinia! The Tzimbar Race Original is an unpredictable trail of 7 km with a lot of ups and downs and, at the end, 4 proof of ability, like the ancient work of the people who lived in this mountain.

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