Event Information

 Chongli, China
05 March 2023

ULTRA Trail Challenge Race Cuiyunshan SnowRun 2023

第四届崇礼•翠云山冰雪越野挑战赛,由北京希杰体育文化有限公司主办,翠云山国际旅游度假区协办,于2023年12月31日-2024年1月1日举行。 带领冬季跑步运动爱好者,一起打 开银色世界。在河北崇礼翠云山国际旅游度假区银河滑雪场举办。 赛事分为30公里组,10公里组,以及6公里家庭组。 30公里组总爬升1150米,总下降1140米,距离28.5公里。 10公里组总爬升525米,总下降523米,距离10公里。

The 4th Chongli • ULTRA Trail Challenge Race Cuiyunshan SnowRun, Hosted by Beijing CJ-Sports and co-organized by Cuiyunshan International Resort, will be held on December 31, 2023 to January 1, 2024. Lead the winter running enthusiasts, open the silver world together. It will be held in Galaxy Ski Resort, Cuiyunshan International Resort, Chongli

Cuiyunshan SnowRun

ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2023/03/05
 Start Time: 10:00:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 28.30
 Elevation Gain: +1150
 Elevation Loss: -1140
 Time Limit: 6:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 3
 Number of Participants: 1000
Championship: Tour of Beijing CJ Series

About the Race

The route will be comprehensively upgraded from the mountainside in previous years to climb over Cuiyun Mountain and then straight to the ridge. Therefore, the whole route will be more accessible and exciting. The snow path is also a new wild snow, which can explore the secrets of the forest and appreciate the joy of SnowRun and the true meaning of wild snow running. Summit can also see different scenery, overlooking the pure white world, overlooking the magical ice explosion rime, glimpse hanging ice flowers, in the world of white makeup encounter a pure white fairy tale journey. Along the way, you can also encounter spectacular windmill fields and ski resorts on snowy mountain trails, pine needle forests, and tarmac roads above high altitude clouds. This is a visual feast for winter!

路线都将全面升级,由往年的山腰升级到需翻过翠云山,然后直登山脊,因此整个路线将更具可跑性、刺激性,雪道也是全新野雪,可探索林间的奥妙,更能领略SnowRun的快乐和野雪跑的真谛。 登顶也可看到不一样的风景,俯瞰纯白的世界,远眺神奇的冰爆雾凇、瞥见垂吊的冰花,在银妆素裹的世界里邂逅一场纯白的童话之旅。在路途中你也可以在布满积雪的林间山道、松针林、高海拔云上柏油路上遇见壮观的风车田和滑雪场,这绝会是一场冬季视觉盛宴!

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