Event Information

 Rymanów Zdrój, Poland
21 May 2022

Ultramaraton Jaga-Kora 2022

Ultramarathon Jaga Kora 70km

ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2022/05/21
 Start Time: 06:00:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 67.30
 Elevation Gain: +2020
 Elevation Loss: -2020
 Time Limit: 12:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 3
 Number of Participants: 60

About the Race

Bieg sladem historycznej trasy o kryptonimie Jaga-Kora, która pokonywali w czasie wony kurierzy beskidzcy. Centralna baza zawodów jest Uzdrowisko Rymanów Zdrój, polozone w najdzikszej czesci Beskidu Niskiego.

Central base of race is health resort Rymanow Zdroj, Subcarpathia Poland. Route of the race is placed at the wildest mountains in Poland - Beskid Niski. For many kilometers You can be alone with only wild nature. Name of the race had a historical background. In WWIII military messengers were crossing that trail to boarder many times. They named that "Jaga" and changed after few years to "Kora".
