Event Information

 Tai Tam, Hong Kong, China
20 February 2022

Violet Hill Twins Challenge 2022

衛奕信徑第一段的紫蘿蘭山與孖崗山,兩座山南北走向,鄰近香港島南北交通要衝黃泥涌峽,所以交通甚為方便。因為鄰近大潭水塘,附近一帶的山谷也廣植樹木以防水土流失。就在香港最繁華的鬧市旁,不到半小時車程便可以置身這種翠綠盎然的大自然氣息之中,所以這一帶的山嶺特別受人歡迎。 紫崗挑戰賽因為取道紫蘿蘭山與孖崗山而命名,這條路線不只風景優美,也十分有挑戰性,因為連續上落兩座山嶺確實需要不少體力。 賽事分為 5 公里、半程 28 公里及全程 50 公里,希望不同類型的跑步或遠遠足愛好者也能找到合適距離樂在其中。

Violet Hill and The Twins are the first two mountains that runners face on the Wilson Trail, traversing from north to south. Close to Wong Nai Chung Gap, the inviting area is a key junction on Hong Kong Island and therefore easily accessible by a range of public transportation options. Nearby valleys surrounding Tai Tam Reservoir are aesthetically

VHTC 28km

ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2022/02/20
 Start Time: 07:30:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 27.80
 Elevation Gain: +1320
 Elevation Loss: -1250
 Time Limit: 8:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 0
 Number of Participants: 500

About the Race

衛奕信徑第一段的紫蘿蘭山與孖崗山,兩座山南北走向,鄰近香港島南北交通要衝黃泥涌峽,所以交通甚為方便。因為鄰近大潭水塘,附近一帶的山谷也廣植樹木以防水土流失。就在香港最繁華的鬧市旁,不到半小時車程便可以置身這種翠綠盎然的大自然氣息之中,所以這一帶的山嶺特別受人歡迎。 紫崗挑戰賽因為取道紫蘿蘭山與孖崗山而命名,這條路線不只風景優美,也十分有挑戰性,因為連續上落兩座山嶺確實需要不少體力。 賽事分為 5 公里、半程 28 公里及全程 50 公里,希望不同類型的跑步或遠遠足愛好者也能找到合適距離樂在其中。

Violet Hill and The Twins are the first two mountains that runners face on the Wilson Trail, traversing from north to south. Close to Wong Nai Chung Gap, the inviting area is a key junction on Hong Kong Island and therefore easily accessible by a range of public transportation options. Nearby valleys surrounding Tai Tam Reservoir are aesthetically appealing as they have been planted with trees to prevent soil erosion. A step outside the dense urban city, at just 30 minutes’ drive from Central, you can be surrounded by lush and abundant nature. No wonder the trail and the mountains in this area are extremely popular amongst Hong Kongers. Appealing to all-levels, the Violet Hill Twins Challenge is not just for experienced runners but also for long-distance hikers and teams of families.

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