Event Information

 Zhangjiajie, China
21 September 2019

Xiaoxiang 100 Tian Men Mountain Trail Running 2019


ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2019/09/21
 Start Time: 05:00:00
 Participation: solo
 Distance: 64.80
 Elevation Gain: +2870
 Elevation Loss: -2900
 Time Limit: 0:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 7
 Number of Participants: 1000

About the Race

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Talented Runners are Gathering in Tianmen Mountains for Competence, We’ re Waiting for you at this Wonderland Xiaoxiang 100 Zhangjiajie International Trail Running 2019 is launching --- Let’s enjoy an unparalleled trail running event in the holly place of extreme sports I.Mr. Zhang of the World----Born to be Extraordinary Zhangjiajie landscape is a collection of "majesty, miracle, remoteness, wildness, and danger" melting "forests, caves, lakes, waterfalls and stones" in its body; no wonderful words can interpret her beauty. Zhangjiajie is world famous, not because of its flourishing nowadays. More than one thousand years ago, when it was known as barbarians, both men of letters and military officers gathered here, writing articles to praise it. Tianmen Mountain Scenic Areas is an outstanding representative of Zhangjiajie scenery, and the unique extreme event makes it more distinguished at home and abroad. The route of Zhangjiajie Tianmen Mountain Trail Running includes the grand Tongtian Avenue (99 bends),the daunting 999 stairs, the soul of Tianmen Mountain --Tianmen Cave, the Tianmen Mountain escalator like the time machine, and the Ghost-valley path hanging on the cliff. The Suspension Bridge, Glass skywalk, forest trails decorated with fallen leaves, large pillars of steep slopes that make countless people P down, vertical and straight Xiongbi cliff, mysterious Qixing Mountain, the looming second Tianmen, Mountains full of beautiful red leaves but hides its steepness, the all mentioned above will bring the most memorable trail race memory to every contestant. The unparalleled scenery of Zhangjiajie has been shaped by hundreds of millions of years of changes. The unique trail race track will be a highlight of your trail running career. ?. Tianmen Mountain---- Legend Never stops As a best place for extreme sports, there are many shocking legends in Tianmen mountain every year. Since 1999, when the aircraft crossed the Tianmen Cave that the extreme challenge of the Tianmen Mountain began. Since then, Tianmen Mountain has been standing at the peak of the world’s extreme sports. Dancing on the Cliff, Xinjiang Dawa's successors challenging Tianmen Mountain high-altitude steel wire walking, the World Wingsuit Championship, the successful challenge of Tongtian Avenue by French “Super rollerman”, Final Battle in Tianmen–Red Bull Heaven Road Drift Contest”, The king of European high-altitude wire limit" unprotected walking, the long board downhill challenge, the world Parkour Competition, the walk of longest slackline of female in stiletto heels. What mentioned above are the great legends taking place in Tianmen Mountain From September 21st to 22nd, KINETIK 2019 Xiaoxiang 10 le. on June 24th, the access to sign-up will open. We appreciate your attendances for an unparalleled trail running event to continue the Tianmen Legend.0 the 3rd Zhangjiajie Tianmen Mountain International Trail Running Race arrived as schedule. ?. Great show is on the way at Tianmen Mountain 1.The race in the race - the challenge of the stairway to heaven: Running on the Tongtian Avenue at extraordinary speed as the French “Super rollerman”, you may win the "King of stairway to Heaven" award and get a custom-made shirt. 2.High expectation for “clash of Titans”: elite players gather and compete, who will be the winner? The winner will receive the title of "God" and gain a place in the Tianmen Mountain Extreme Sports Exhibition Area. 3.Gathering of Brand Teams: In Tianmen Mountain such a world-famous place, it’s a good chance to win a supreme honor for the team through the team's efforts, and have an excellent display platform. The excellent runners will have a final battle in Tianmen Mountain, while the spectators wait for a good show. 4.Multiple rewards, winning the prize is not just the patent of the elite runner: In addition to the regular rewards, each group can get an extra cash reward if it is good enough. It is possible that the lucky prize set by the organizing committee may belong to you, and all the rewards can be accumulated.If you don't get any one of them,the beautiful and valuable suit is worth collecting. 5.Great discount for our loyal fans: Xiaoxiang 100 Training Running Race can not go through the wind and rain this years without the support and care of every running friend. This time, in addition to the veteran price, big fans who has anticipated in the Xiaoxiang 100 Trail Running series 3 times or more will enjoy more substantial preferential prices , and can share this glory with other players. We look forward to seeing those familiar and warm faces again and join the newcomers in Tianmen Mountain Trail running track. More details found in the competition rules. ?. The information of the event Host: Hunan Sports Bureau Zhangjiajie people’s Government Organizer: Cultural Tourism Radio and Television Sports Bureau of Zhangjiajie Yongding District People's Government of Zhangjiajie Co-organizer: Zhangjiajie Yongding District Cultural Tourism Radio and Television Sports Bureau: Zhangjiajie Tianmen Mountain National Forest Park Event operator: Hunan Yufeng Sports and Culture Corporation Date : September 20th--22th,2019 Location: Zhangjiajie Competition group: 10.77km group/67kn group/102km group Number of people in each group: 600/1000/400 a total of 2,000 people Lasting hours: 10.77 km group 3hours 67km group 18 hours 102km group:30 hours Starting point: Zhangjiajie, Tianmen Mountain Gate ?. Details about the race route 1.10.77km group 1)The route of 10.77km group Tianmen Mountain Gate (starting point) - Tongtian Avenue(99 bends) - Tianmen Cave Square (destination). total altitude of climbing up: 762m, total altitude of climbing down : 11m. 2. 67km group 1.The route of 67km group Tianmen Mountain Gate (starting point) - Tongtian Avenue (99 bends) - Tianmen Cave Square (SP1/CP1) - Climbing the stairs - the Tianmen Mountain Escalator - Ghost--Valley Path - Tianmen Back Mountain - Tangjia Village(SP2/CP2) - Goat Creek Reservoir - Yaojiajie (sp3/cp3) - Tianping Village (SP4/CP4) - Xiaojia Tower (SP5/CP5) - Hujia Village (SP6/ CP6) - Laodao wan(SP7/CP7) - Tianmen Mountain Gate (Destination), total altitude of climbing up: 2794m,total altitude of climbing down: 2794m. 2.67 kmsite setting table 3. 102km group 1.The route of 102km group Tianmen Mountain Gate - Tongtian Avenue (99 bends) - Tianmen Cave Square (SP1/CP1) - Climbing the stairs - the Tianmen Mountain Escalator - Ghost-Valley Path - Tianmen Back Mountain- Tangjia Village ( SP2/CP2 points)——Shichangxi Forest Farm Division (SP3/CP3 points)——Yaojiajie (sp4/cp4)——Tianping Village (SP5/CP5 points)——Chejiayu (SP6/CP6) - Inkou Kui (SP7/CP7) - Zhaojiawan (SP8/CP8) - Hujia village (SP9/CP9) - Laodaowan (SP10/CP10) - Tianmen Mountain Gate (Destination),total altitude of climbing up: 5227m .total altitude of climbing down: 5227m. 2.102 km group site setting table ?. Registration instructions Special note: Please read the rules and regulations of the competition before registration. The registration means that you agree with the rules of the competition. In the course of the event, the organizing committee will strictly enforce the established rules of the game, and any violations will be dealt with and penalized accordingly. Due to special circumstances, when the rules need to be adjusted, the final announcement of the organizing committee shall prevail. 1. Competition events/ ITRA Points 1. 10.77 km group(lasting 3 hours): Starting point is Tianmen Mountain Gate,and the destination is Tianmen Cave Square,including 600 runners; no points. 2. 67 km group(lasting 18 hours): It is starting at Tianmen Mountain Gate,including 1,000 runners;3 points(According to final announcement) 3. 102 km group( lasting 30 hours ): It is starting at TianmenMountain Gate, including 400 runners. 5points(According to final announcement) 2.Registration conditions There are certain requirements for Runners of the UTMT 2019 Xiaoxiang 100 the third Zhangjiajie Tianmen Mountain International Trail running Race.The certificate of trail running race completion must be obtained from September 1, 2017 to August 1, 2019. The details are as follows: 1. 102 km group: Runners need to provide 1 ITRA 100 km and above trail running race completion certificate or 2 certificates of 50 km and above trail running race completion; Runners who are 20-60 years old before September 20, 2019 Can participate the race; 2. 67 km group: Runners need to provide 1 ITRA 50 km and above trail running race completion certificate or 1 Chinese Athletics Association (CAA) registered Full Marathon completion certificate (man: within 400 minutes, woman: within 430 minutes).;Runners who are 20-60 years old before September 20, 2019 Can participate the race 3. 10.77 km group: It is required to provide a certificate of completion for a competition of 10 km and above registered by the China Athletics Association (CAA). Runners who are 16-65 years old before September 20, 2019 Can participate the race 3. Precautions 1. If the applicant uses an incomplete certificate or signs up by means of deception, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the quota and will not refund the registration fee. 2. Fill in the registration information of the participants in real and accurate manner. Once the registration information is confirmed, it will not be changed. If the registration information is incorrect or inaccurate, the participants will be canceled the qualification 4. Registration fee Group 102km group 67km group 10.77km Challenge Group Original price 999 599 249 Veterans 849 499 199 Joint equipment group 1600 950 400 Gold Fans 799 449 169 Platinum Fans 649 399 129 Diamond Veterans 499 299 99 1. All the registration fees paid by the joint equipment group are converted into equal equipment vouchers, which are used to purchase equipment in the official brand of the cooperative brand. The joint equipment vouchers can purchase any products of the official website at the original price, but cannot enjoy the discount of activities. 2. The veteran price: participants who participated in the Xiaoxiang 100 Trail Running 1-2 times can enjoy the “old bird” price, and register through the platform (need to provide a valid proof of the previous registration of the Xiaoxiang 100 series). 3. For big fans: Runners have participate in the Xiaoxiang 100 Trail Running race 3 times can enjoy the "Golden Fan" treatment, 4 times can enjoy the "Platinum Fan" treatment, and 5 times can enjoy the "Diamond Fan" treatment. 4. Gold Fans and above runners must submit the previous record. The number of participation cannot be accumulated if signed up but failed to participate in the competition. After the approval of the organizing committee, please charge for the fees of competition directly to the staff; Gold fans can carry one person to enjoy the same discount. Platinum fans can carry two people to enjoy the same discount. Diamond fans can carry three people to enjoy the same discount. Gold fans and above can directly registered through the staff . 5. A group of 30 people who register together can enjoy 15% off discount, a group of 50and above enjoy 20% off discount. All groups can participate, just directly contact the staff. Participants who have enjoyed the veteran and above are not allowed to participate in the group. 6. Volunteers from the previous Xiaoxiang 100 Trail Running Series can participate in the competition free of charge. The 102-kilometer group is limited to 20 people, the 67-kilometer group is limited to 50, and 10.77 km is limited to 100 people. All need to meet the registration requirements. All volunteer quota are valid for 2 years and volunteers who have participated in free of charge can no longer enjoy this offer. Remarks: All group registrations must pass the offline qualification review before they can pay. 5. Registration for elite players 1. Benefits: Elite players receive free entries based on their ITRA (International Trail Running Association) points. Men > 720 / Women > 600 1). Under the precondition of satisfying the registration conditions, the qualified elite players who want to register for the competition should contact the organizer via email (893071400@qq.com) and provide their personal information and screenshot of personal points of ITRA. 2) Elite runners are invited to assemble in a special area of the starting point, with a dedicated elite rest area. 3) The organizing committee provides board and lodging during the event (September 20-21, standard room) 2. Obligations: Elite runners agree to assume the following responsibilities and obligations: 1) Attend all invited media meetings and official events. 2) Attendance at the award ceremony 3) During the competition, always wear the GPS tracker provided by the organizer at the starting point until the end of the game, and return the GPS tracker (no GPS in 67 km group) to the event organizer at the end. 4) Arrive at the starting point at least 20 minutes before the start of the event. 6. Registration for brand teams The 102 km group will open Team Registration for all sports brands and other related brands. The specific rules are as follows: 1. Team members: Team members apply for offline registration. Each team consists of 4 players (not less than 3). Men and women are not limited and should meet the registration requirements: male players require ITRA points of 550 or above, female players require ITRA points of 500 or above. Each brand should not register for more than 2 teams. 2. Judgment of results: Take the sum of the scores of the top 3 players in each team's finish scores. The female players' finish scores are reduced after 1.5 hours, and the team with less time is ranked higher. Teams with fewer than 3 players complete the competition should be canceled its team ranking, but do not affect the overall ranking of individual players; 3, the team registration requires the brand to issue the certification document with the brand's official seal to the organizing committee, which can only take effect after being examined. 4. Team benefits: 1) Team registration fee is 5,000 yuan per team. To become a sponsor of the event can exempt the registration fee. 2) The team members who meet the requirements of elite athletes (ITRA points men > 720 / women > 600) are responsible for boarding and lodging during the competition. 3) You can participate in the equipment with the respective brand logo and enjoy the exclusive departure area. 4) The participating teams can be awarded the title of “Special Partner” of the Organizing Committee. The Organizing Committee is responsible for the production of the team knife flag and related materials. If you need to enjoy the rights of joint LOGO, free participation in the event exposition, event advertisement board A and other event publicity, without violating the existing sponsorship system, it will be determined through consultation with the organizing committee. 5) The team that won the championship will be given the opportunity to get a publicity show in Tianmen Mountain Scenic Area. 5. Obligations 1) Obey the unified arrangement of the organizing committee and sign relevant agreements. 2) Attend all invited media meetings and official events. 3) Attendance at the award ceremony 4) During the competition, always wear the GPS tracker provided by the organizer at the starting point until the end of the game, and return the GPS tracker (no GPS in 67 km group) to the event organizer at the end. 5) Arrive at the starting point at least 20 minutes before the start of the event. 7. Refund instructions: After enrolling successfully, those who cannot participate the competition for some season must send emails to organizing committee to explain the condition and after the approval by the organizing committee, the registration fee will be refunded according the rules. Those who apply before August 20th can be returned 60% of the registration fee. Those who apply before September 10th can be returned 30% of the registration fee. Those who apply after September 10th, the registration fee will not be refunded. The organizing committee can arrange for post-event mailing of competition packages at your own expense. 8. Notice for participants 1. Participants in this event are fully aware of the total length and other conditions of the event and are fully prepared based on this information. 2. Participants must have the ability to implement self-protection in the mountains, and be able to control and manage the problems that may arise from the conditions related to such events, especially the ability to do the following: 1) Ability to cope with severe climatic conditions (night, wind, cold, fog, rain or snow) without external assistance; 2) Know how to control and manage (even in the case of a single person) physical or psychological problems caused by digestive problems, muscle or joint pain and various minor diseases; 3) Fully aware that it is not the responsibility of the organizer to help runners overcome these difficulties and obstacles; 4) A complete understanding of the safety of participating in such activities in mountainous areas depends on the ability of the runner to adapt to problems encountered or may encounter; 5) Each runner must respect nature, all relevant personnel, and abide by existing rules of the game and accept these rules without reservation; 6) Receive and read information about the event in a timely manner. ?. Mandatory equipment Group Mandatory equipment list Recommended to carry equipment (not complete version) 100 km group 1 cross-country backpack (cannot be replaced by waist pack), 2 smart phones (maintaining normal communication during the race and downloading the race track), 3 headlamp and 2 sets of batteries, 4 8000 mAh and above portable battery and equipped with USB cable, 5 waterproof jacket, 6 non-cotton thermal underwear, 7 rescue blanket, 8 whistle, 9 water containers (soft water bottle or water bag for 1L and above ), 10 drinking cup (capacity 150ml and above, cannot be replaced by water containers), 11 basic medicines (band aids, cotton swabs, iodine, bandages, Huoxiang Zhengqi Shui), 12 food reserves energy of 1000 kcal and above, 13 number bibs (correctly worn), 14 GPS locator Walking sticks / sunscreen products / buff headwear / gloves / sunglasses / sunhats / spare clothes at night / personal medicines / salt pills / energy gels / a small amount of cash / waterproof bags 65 km group 1 cross-country backpacks (cannot be replaced by waist pack), 2 smart phones (maintaining normal communication during the race and downloading the race track), 3 headlamps and 2 sets of batteries, 4 5000 mAh and above portable battery and equipped with USB cable, 5 waterproof jackets, 6 non-cotton thermal underwear, 7 rescue blankets, 8 whistles, 9 water containers (soft water bottle or water bag for 1L and above ), 10 drinking cups (capacity 150ml and above, cannot be replaced by water containers), 11 basic medicines (band aids, cotton swabs, iodine, bandages, Huoxiang Zhengqi Shui), 12 food reserves energy of 1000 kcal and above, 13 number bibs(correctly worn) Walking sticks / sunscreen products / buff headwear / gloves / sunglasses / sunhats / spare clothes at night / personal medicines / salt pills / energy gels / a small amount of cash/ waterproof bags 10.77 km The Road to Sky Challenge Group 1 mobile phones (guarantee normal communication during the game), 2 number bibs, 3 cross-country backpacks/waist bags, 4 drinking cups Headlamps / thermal clothing / sunscreen products / buff headwear/ sunglasses / sunhats / waterproof bags Attentions: 1. Disposable paper cups will not be placed throughout the competition. Participants must use their own drinking cups. 2. The organizing committee will strictly check whether the mandatory equipment of the player meets the standards during the registration and competition of the players. The mandatory equipment must be carried with you. It is considered as no mandatory equipment in the reloading package. Participants whose mandatory equipment does not meet the requirements, once found, shall be punished immediately until the withdrawal is made. ?. Organization of the event 1.Registration of the participants The documents that the participants must carry when registering are as follows: 1. Registration confirmation letter 2. The original of the valid certificate that can prove identity; 3. A copy of the completion certificate (electronic file invalid) 4. Provide the ECG and physical examination report (including tests of cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and blood glucose) provided by the hospital or regular medical center within half a year of the competition day, and must include the doctor's signature. 5. if lacking any of the four materials above or the materials do not meet the requirements, the organizing committee has the right to refuse the athlete to receive the race materials. The registration confirmation letter, medical certificate and completion certificate shall be submitted to the Organizing Committee for filing. Runners cannot ask mandatary to pick up the race bag for other people. 6. GPS locator 1) GPS locator is provided for the 100km group. The athletes can have it when collect the race bag. 2) According to the requirements of the equipment supplier, each GPS locator should be paid a deposit of 400 yuan at the actual price. After the race, the committee will return the payment only after that the device were confirmed working. If there is any loss or damage, the actual price will be compensated according to the equipment. 3) For the method of payment, we accept Wechat pay and do not accept cash. After the race, return the GPS at the end of Tianmen Mountain Gate, and the deposit will be returned. 6. Runners cannot ask mandatary to pick up the race bag for other people. 2. Number bibs 1. The entry number would be posted before the competition and the participants can check it through the official website. The organizing committee will also inform the participants by email or SMS. If there is any doubt, please communicate with the organizing committee in time. 2. Participants must wear the bib on the chest or abdomen throughout the entire race and ensure that the bib is clearly visible. Number bib must be placed on the outermost layer of the participant's clothing and wearing it on legs or bags is prohibited. Do not alter or hide the participant's name and the logo of our partners'. The bib is also the identification certificate for services such as transportation, in and out of scenic spots and supply stations, and access packages. Removal or abandonment of the number cloth is considered as disqualification. If the number bib is not worn according to the standard, the timing problem caused by it is at your own risk. 3. Storage and collection of packages 1. Storage: All groups can store packages at designated locations at the start of Tianmen Mountain Gate. 2. Collection: The 102km group and the 67km group at the end of the Tianmen Mountain Gate by the number bib, and the 10km group and 77km group in the Tianmen Cave Square by the number bib. The period of collection is within 2 hours after the end of the race. If it's after 2 hours, the athlete must go to another place designated by the organizer by themselves to collect the bag and should bear the relevant fees. 3. Reloading bag: The reloading bag of the 102 km group should be handed over to the organizer at the registration or technical meeting and will be transported to the Tianping Village Station (cp5/sp5). After the race the athlete can fetch it at Tianmen Mountain Gate. 4. Due to the limitation of the rear service, the return of the reloading bag may be delayed. The organizer does not guarantee that all uncollected bags can be returned to the destination before the end of the race. 5. The organizer will not clean up or register the items in the bags, and will not accept the participants to question the condition of the items in the bag. It is recommended that no valuables should be placed in the bag. Toiletries and clothing for the end point are recommended to be placed in the bag.   4. Competition supply 1. The organizer ensures that sufficient solid and liquid supplies are arranged along the race. There is no disposable cup at the supply station, and participants should use their own drinking cup. When leaving the supply station, the participants must properly check that enough food and beverages have been carried to ensure the adequate supplies before reaching the next rest stop. 2. Only those who have been inspected and wear a clear number bib can enter the supply station for supplies. The whole bottle of water/beverage should not be taken out of the supply station. 3. The list of detailed supplies for each station will be posted through official channels in the future.   5. The timing of the game 1) Chip timing is used in this competition. The timing chip is attached to the number bib. 2) Players are required to wear the number cloth according to the requirements of the competition. If the personal wearing problems cause the loss of results, the competitors shall bear the corresponding responsibilities by themselves. 3) Participants must pass each timing point one by one during the race. If the participant loses the result of any timing point, he will not be in the rewarding ranking. In severe cases, the participant's scores will be cancelled. 4) Except for the start, if the error between the two chips at each timing point is less than 0.1 seconds, the scores of the relevant participants will also be cancelled. 5) There will be temporary timing points outside the supply stations and safety stations, The organizer will not post the location of these temporary timing points.   6. Track Signs 1) The normal track signs are red. In order to clearly mark the position of the track at night, the track signs are made of reflective materials and will reflect the light from the competitors' head lamps 2) In order to protect the environment along the track, it will not be marked by smearing colors. 3) At important turning points there would be staff on duty to watch over the signs. Please pay attention to it. 4) The warning signs at the crossings are yellow. 5) The road sign for the spare routes is pink. Notice: if you haven't seen any track signs after more than 200 meters, please turn back! 7. Transportation 1. Supply distribution: the contestants will get the supply at the Square of the entrance of Tianmen Mountain. On the 20th of September from 9:00 to 22:00, there will be transit bus to and from the designated place in town (Tianmen Mountain Ropeway company as tentative place) and the entrance of Tianmen Mountain. If you miss the bus, you have to manage the transportation by yourself. 2. Starting Shot: The committee will arrange buses to send contestants from the designated place in the town (official hotel) to the starting points—The entrance of Tianmen Mountain. The first bus is going to leave at 4:15 and the last one at 6:00 on Sept.21st. When the bus is full of contestants, it will leave. Please plan for so that you won’t miss the starting shot. 3. After the Race: The committee will arrange buses to send contestants from the finishing points of each group to the designated place in the town (official hotel). If there is a need, please understand. 4. Withdrawn/Arriving after the closing time: The committee will arrange buses to send contestants back to the designated place in the town (official hotel). Considering various situations (the transportation conditions etc.), you may have to wait at some stations. If that happens, please understand. The committee will try their best to send contestants back to hotel as soon as possible. P.S: Unless injured, the contestants can’t withdraw outside of the punch points. The contestants who need to withdraw for some reason on the track must arrive the nearest punch point and inform the workers who will mark your bibs with withdraw symbols. 8. Punishment All over the tack is scattered with staff, among which have the staff responsible for the supply administration and secure guarantee. These staff have the right to conduct competition regulations and can punish the one who break the rules immediately. The punishments are as follow: Breach the rules Penalty Cut across Depends on the specific situation judged by the competition director Lack of compulsory equipment:headlight/flashlight?Cross-country backpack with a water bottle for 1L or above, rescue blanket?waterproof jacket?mobile phone and external power supply, number bibs. Disqualification Lack of other compulsory equipment:non-cotton thermal underwear, drinking cup, basic medicines, food reserves, GPS locator Penalty 1H Refuse the check for compulsory equipment Disqualification Throwing away rubbish Penalty 1H Not respecting the rules and people including staff and other participants Depends on the specific situation judged by the competition director Use any transportation or several people use one bib at same time Disqualification for now or ever Not wearing the race number bibs in a correct manner Penalty 15min and re-wear the number bibs properly Identified dangerous behavior (including illegally surpassing others in dangerous zone, pointing others with stock-tip which hasn’t protective gear, etc.) Penalty 1H Not arrive before closing time Disqualification ?.Solutions Under Special Circumstances 1. The organizer reserves the right to adjust the route, time of beginning and clocking, location of supply and safety and everything else in order to smooth the process of the race. 2. In the case of poor meteorological conditions and/or something that beyond the control (the earthquake, extreme weather and other force majeure conditions), Considering of safety, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the race, stop the race in advance or to modify the route. Whatever decision has been made, no refund of the registration fee will be made. Please be informed and thank you for understanding. 3. If an alternative route being used and the race still continuing, the ranking will be accord with the actual punching score and the awards will also be issued according to the rules. The committee will reapply for ITRA points according to the actual route. 4.If the race terminates in advance, the ranking will be accord with the last punching point a contestant arrived, and the award will be issued according to the actual scores. The right of interpretation lies with the Committee. ?.Competition Awards 1.Rank and Bonus: For each group(men/women) the details of awards are as follow. 20% personal income tax will be levied on the bonus. 102km Group 67km Group 10.77km Group Rank Bonus/Prize Rank Prize Rank Prize 1 15000 yuan + equipment coupon worth 5000 yuan 1 equipment coupon worth 6000 yuan 1 equipment coupon worth 2500 yuan 2 10000 yuan + equipment coupon worth 4000 yuan 2 equipment coupon worth 4000 yuan 2 equipment coupon worth 2000 yuan 3 6000 yuan + equipment coupon worth 3000 yuan 3 equipment coupon worth 3000 yuan 3 equipment coupon worth 1500 yuan 4 4000 yuan + equipment coupon worth 2000 yuan 4 equipment coupon worth 2000 yuan 4 equipment coupon worth 1000 yuan 5 2000 yuan + equipment coupon worth 1500 yuan 5 equipment coupon worth 1500 yuan 5 equipment coupon worth 800 yuan 6 equipment coupon worth 2000 yuan 6 equipment coupon worth 1000 yuan 7 equipment coupon worth 1500 yuan 8 equipment coupon worth 1000 yuan 2.Other Awards: (1)Finisher: In 102km and 67km groups, finishers will receive a finisher-cloth and a medal, finishers in group 10.77km will also receive a medal. (2)Lucky awards: 100 contestants randomly selected by the committee, and each of them will receive an exquisite equipment. (the way of issuing awards will be published later) (3)Male and female champions in 120km group will receive the "God of the Sky Award" trophy, and their personal pictures will be displayed in the Tianmen Mountain Scenic spot for a year together with other top extreme athletes’ pictures. (4)The champion team of the brand team group can get a chance to display their pictures in Tianmen Mountain Scenic spot for a year. Each team members can enjoy the single reward. 3.Special Awards 102km Group 67km Group Finishing time and Bonus Finishing time and Bonus Men who finish the race within 11.5h and women who finish within 13h will get a bonus of 2,000 yuan. Men who finish the race within 8.5h and women who finish within 9h will get a bonus of 1,000 yuan. 4.“Road to sky” challenge—10.77km (1) Men who complete the challenge within 1 hour (including 1h) and women who complete within 1 hour and 10 minutes (including 1h and 10min) can get the title “king of the road to sky” and get a custom-clothing as award. (2) Contestants in all groups can participate in the “Road to sky” Challenge, including the 102km group and the 67km group. ?.Competition Calendar No. Date Time Event Location 1 Sep.20th 10:00-22:00 Release the competition packages The entrance of Tianmen Mountain 2 Sep.20th 19:00-20:00 The technical seminar Official hotel 3 Sep.21st 05:00 Departure of 67km group The entrance of Tianmen Mountain 4 Sep.21st 06:30 Departure 10.77km and 102km group The entrance of Tianmen Mountain 5 Sep.21st 09:30 Closing time of 10.77km group Tianmen Cave square 6 Sep.21st 23:00 Closing time of 67km group The entrance of Tianmen Mountain 7 Sep.22nd 12:30 Closing time of 102km group The entrance of Tianmen Mountain 8 Sep.21st 16:00 Award ceremony for 67km group The entrance of Tianmen Mountain 9 Sep.22nd 22:00 Award ceremony for 102km group The entrance of Tianmen Mountain 10 Sep.22nd 13:00 Termination of the competition The entrance of Tianmen Mountain ?.Official Contact 1.Website: http://www.yufengtiyu.cn 2.Official e-mail: xx100trail@163.com 3.WeChat Group: ??100????????? ??100????????? ??100????????? 4.WeChat public account:??100????? 5.Regestration consulting: Lei Guojun 18373156640 6.Bussiness cooperation: Zhang Xiaofan 18508410526 ?. Tips for trail running: How to prepare a trail running: Kindly reminder: Trail running is a competitive game of long-distance and high-energy consumption with all kinds of risks and challenges. During this race, everything you will encounter is unpredictably unknown; you never know what’s going to happen next and what is waiting for you. Participants must be qualified with strong mental quality and the capabilities to survive in the wild. They must have a deep understanding of their abilities and bottom line before signing up for the trail running race. They are responsible for themselves as well as their families. As to trail running, we cannot blindly follow the trend but should in awe of nature; Always remember that "remain true to your original aspiration.” Running according to your capabilities, and what is most important is that you get your home safely. 1.Mental Preparations: Although the scenery along the way is incredible and the wild exploration is exciting enough, you should be prepared to face the challenge of the darkness, cold, loneliness, pain, fatigue, hunger and even illusions. Do you have enough courage and confidence to conquer them? Can you break the barriers and become the hero of yourself? 2.Physical Preparations: The trail running track is complex and diverse. It will make you feel totally different when you are running due to the road conditions, altitude, climb and other factors, coupled with complex and varied weather conditions, so you must be prepared to deal with all the risks. First of all, you must have sufficient running experience, strong leg strength and cardio-respiratory function. Second, you should have the ability of adopting to high temperature and low temperature. 3.Other Preparations: Compulsory equipment It is the most basic guarantee for completing in a trail running. The compulsory equipment for each competition are different. The organizing committee will list the compulsory equipment according to the specific conditions of running track. Some equipment may not seem to be of much use, but they can save your life at critical moments. So, don't save a little bit of space and weight. All compulsory equipment must be well equipped. Equipment suggested Except for the compulsory equipment required by the Committee, you must also carry some equipment for replenishing energy and responding to unexpected needs. The long distance and high energy-consumption of trail running race make it harder for you to continue. Since the supply points are usually far away, and the distance between the contestants is relatively, once the replenishment is exhausted, you are in danger long. It is not enough to rely solely on the replenishment of the organizing committee, so, it is necessary to carry some replenishment by yourself such as energy glue to cope with the urgent need for replenishment during the race. 4.Weather The weather will have a great impact on the track and your physical conditions during the race. Pay constant attention to weather changes and make preparations accordingly. Be prepared to respond to various weather conditions. 5. Route In the trail running race, the road signs may be damaged sometimes. Aside from the road signs set by the committee, contestants are supposed to import the running map into the mobile phone or watch in advance. Having a preliminary understanding of the route, so that you can continue the running with your map in case the road signs have been damaged. 6. Find Company If running at night, it is best for you to find a team; If you don’t care much about the result, not very concerned with the rankings, and just want to enjoy the running, then finding two or three friends to form a team. How comfortable to talk with them while running! In the night, people’s dependence will be stranger. If there is a friend, there will be a relief in your heart. One joining in, your team will be stronger and warmer since there is another helper. Trail running is an outside race full of danger, so the beginners and female contestants should never run lonely. Please find one to go together, unless you are used to trail running and have the ability to deal with emergencies on your own, Before start a night running, be sure to check the communication equipment and the GPS locator. In case there is an emergency, the rescue team can quickly locate and find you. Although some mountains may not have good signal coverage, as long as your phone can receive the signal, remember to send a message of safety at the first time. 7. Supply Strategy in Race Be sure to replenish the water in time, don't wait until you feel thirsty when your body has already entered into a dehydrated state; Eating food timely, and don't wait until you are hungry. What’s more, replenishing salt and electrolytes in time. Do not miss the food provided in the supply points since the staple food and hot food are essential. Do not miss the supply for pursuing the running scores. Without good replenishment, how can you get the about scores?

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