Event Information

 wuxi, China
16 May 2021

YANGXIAN Trail Challenge Sprin 2021

寻迹唐宋园林 这个七夕来的有点晚,不经意间,繁华落尽,已是初秋,道家福地,一派天高地阔景象,竹影婆娑,移步成景,玉女潭的水,还是那么清凉,远山,有云的故乡,铺满落叶的山径,掩藏着枯石残枝,山间有小精灵的跃动,也许是相爱的小松鼠在追逐啊,也许是白鹇艰难的觅食,而你,是一阵风,掠过、越过,山丘那——是他(她)的等候——等最爱的你!


ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2021/05/16
 Start Time: 08:00:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 31.50
 Elevation Gain: +1080
 Elevation Loss: -1080
 Time Limit: 8:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 2
 Number of Participants: 100

About the Race

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The spring of the year comes, and at this time of year, come to Lake of Deep Oxygen. The spring breeze is blowing, and the air is faintly scented with tea. The tea trees in the mountains and plains have survived the baptism of winter. After being nourished by the spring and rain, I am preparing to reveal the fragrance. The spring breeze shook the tea branches. In this bright time, drink a cup of spring tea and drink the whole spring. Hugo Town is located at the junction of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces, with a total area of 96 square kilometers. It is adjacent to Tao Capital and Taihu Lake. It is known as the "bamboo ocean", "tea oasis", and "dongtian world". It is a famous mountain treasure in the south of the Yangtze River. Hometown of fruits, hometown of building materials, hometown of copper materials, hometown of tourism. The ecological conditions are particularly good, the forest coverage rate exceeds 82%, and the air negative oxygen ion content reaches the level of Changshou Township. It can be said that there is also a natural deep oxygen bar! When the spring comes back to the earth, Hugo has also become a popular place for outings among nearby residents.

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