Event Information

 nipaluna / HOBART, Australia
25 March 2023

kunanyi Mountain Run 2023

You’re invited to “run with kunanyi” – the famous mountain on Hobart’s doorstep that is rich in culture, history and incredibly diverse landscapes. The palawa (Tasmanian Aboriginal community) generously welcome and share kunanyi with trail runners – whether you’re a seasoned ultra runner or reasonably new to running on trails.

Mountain Run 25km

ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2023/03/25
 Start Time: 08:30:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 24.60
 Elevation Gain: +1470
 Elevation Loss: -1470
 Time Limit: 12:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 2
 Number of Participants: 400

About the Race

This classic summit-return mountain run takes you through aboriginal and colonial history, captivating and diverse landscapes, and along one of the most challenging and rewarding race courses you’ll ever do. Head out on Old Farm Road and Main Fire Trail before the field stretches out and you hit the single trail of the amazing Myrtle Gully Track. Skip across to Junction Cabin then up rocky Hunters Track to the Chalet. Breathtaking Organ Pipes track is the closest you’ll get to flat on this run, but then it’s hands on knees to grind out the final ascent to the pinnacle aid station via the epic Zig Zag. To return, you’ll tackle Zig Zag in the opposite direction high fiving everyone on the way down, fly down Pinnacle to The Springs, keeping the momentum going as you get into the thick forest of Radfords and Fern Glade, which spits you out at Fern Tree Tavern and aid station. Chimney Pot Hill and Ridgeway trails take you down around the Waterworks. Time to give it all you’ve got left as you hit Huon Road, pass the famous Cascade Brewery, and hit the finish line. This is a race that’ll you’ll remember – and will be telling tales of – for the rest of your life.

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