Event Information

 ganzhou, China
02 May 2021 to 03 May 2021

ultra trail chongyi challenge 2021


The Chongyi 100 Cross-Country Challenge will hold in Yangming, Chongyi County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province. The race course was set in the rugged and dangerous virgin forest, re-walking the ancient road, surpassing oneself and comprehending Mr. Yangming’s unity of knowledge and action.


ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2021/05/03
 Start Time: 05:30:00
 Participation: solo
 Distance: 31.50
 Elevation Gain: +1660
 Elevation Loss: -1660
 Time Limit: 10:0:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 5
 Number of Participants: 350
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