Event Information

 Fagaras, Romania
07 August 2021

Fagaras Rocks! 2021

Fagarasu-i Fagaras, provocarea maxima când vorbim de masive alpine din tara. Fagaras Rocks! ... 4 curse ce viziteaza golul alpin al Fagarasilor. Skyrunning pe poteci, muchii si zone din creasta sălbatice, cu urcari / coborari brutale si peisaje ce ne taie respiratia. Trasee pe care ajungi la un maxim de 2506 m si pe care poti vizita 16 vârfuri de

We really experience life in those amazing goose bumps moments! Fagaras ... the highest and the most spectacular massif in Romania. 4 races ... all of them reaching the high alpine areas. Skyrunning on literally wild trails, edges and ridges, almost untouched by humans, with brutal ascents and descents and breathtaking views. The Făgăras Rocks! pa

Hermeneasa Race 2

ITRA Points
Mountain Level
Finisher Level
National League

Course details

 Race Date: 2021/08/07
 Start Time: 09:00:00
 Participation: Solo
 Distance: 35.60
 Elevation Gain: +2330
 Elevation Loss: -2320
 Time Limit: 8:30:0
 Number of Aid Stations: 2
 Number of Participants: 150

About the Race

Sa-nceapa spectacolul! Pentru că asta e #FagarasSkyrace, mai ales în segmentul de deasupra padurii. O cursa in care oscilezi intre rolul de alergator si cel de spectator, pentru că cei aflați pe Muchia Babei, cei de pe creasta principala a Fagarasilor, cei de pe noua noastra vedetă, Muchia dintre Belii și cei ce urcă din Saua Tiganului spre Scoarta ... ne putem vedea unii pe alții. Asta cand nu ne fug ochii spre caldarile nordice, spre Moldoveanu, Iezer, Piatra Craiului, Bucegi, Piatra Mare, Ciucas, iar de permite vremea chiar spre Hasmas si Munții Rodnei. Alergăm prin păduri de fag si de brad, prin zone în care zmeura, murele, afinele si merisorul sunt taman coapte in week-end-ul Fagaras Rocks!. Deci, pe lângă provocarea fizica, ai spectacol pentru ochi, pentru gust si spectacol de toate felurile in tabara de baza … #AlegiAltitudinea si #TraimExperienta cu toate simturile. #wild #brutal #breathtaking

Let the show start! This is what #FagarasSkyrace is, especially in its alpine segment: a total skyrunning show. A race where you will hesitate between being a runner and a spectator, as the runners on the Old Woman’s Edge, those on the Fagaras Main Ridge, those on the Belia Edge and those on the Scoarța Edge can all see each other. Besides wiewing from afar the highest point of Romania and other 6 to 8 massifs, depending on the weather. You will run on wild trails, some barely arranged by us as tourist trails, and some still unmarked trails, with an aid station at the shepherd’s fold and passing through a variety of types of forests and through areas with 4 different types of wild berries. Challenge for your body, show for your eyes, show for your tastes, cultural show in the basecamp … #LivingTheExperience with all your senses. #wild #brutal #breathtaking #ChoseAlpine #ChoseAltitude
