How to prepare the results file for your race?


Download the result file template

Download the race result template to complete here: Template result file ITRA.xlsx - Google Drive


General Information for individual races

(For other races: teams / relays / stage races, see end of this document)


  1. One line of result per participant
  2. One result file per race. (If you have 4 races you need to create 4 excel files)
  3. One combined results file for all participants in that event – men, women, all ages
  4. Do not provide any information for runners who have not participated in the race – DNS.


Inputting runner data

These are the column headings for your race results. You can copy and paste this into your result file. Please do not change/modify the titles of the columns.




Family Name

First Name





Bib no.






Headings in RED are compulsory, and these fields must be completed for ALL participants.

Headings in YELLOW are optional, these are extremely helpful in the event of a lost result.


Note for DNF Runners


For runners who did not finish, DNF in Ranking column and TIME column empty - (please, do not write the time at the last checkpoint)
 Athletes who entered the race but did not start (DNS) are NOT to be included in the list




Description automatically generated



Cells formatting

 The row headings must be included and must start in cell A1 in English.






Description (English)


number or DNF


  • The ranking must be in ascending order.
  • From the first to the last competitor at the finish line. 
  • In order of the overall ranking (regardless of gender and age category).




  • Hours : Minutes : Seconds
  • Make sure that the timing are in ascending order, and with the format hh:mm:ss. 
  • If the time is less than one hour entered 00 for the hours 00:45:15 (45 minutes:15 seconds) .
  • Do NOT include milliseconds please.
  • For DNF, leave Time completely blank
  • If two runners have the same time, then they should have the same ranking. In the example below the runners are equal 2nd, so there is no third place. The next placed runner is 4th.


  Application, table, Excel

Description automatically generated



Family Name



  • 2 family names maximum per cell, ie: DOS SANTOS DE LA VEGA Pedro ---> DOS SANTOS Pedro

First Name



  • If possible, please put characters without accents


M or F


  • The value is either M for male of F for female






  • Full birthdates are mandatory. If you don't have the full birthdate, we need at least the correct birthyear.
  • Year – Month – Day 
  • Eg. 1984-03-21
  • If you are copying your birthdates from another document, please make sure you change the format BEFORE you copy and paste and verify after that the month and day have not swapped. (Date formatting instructions).
  • Please ensure all the dates are in the same format (do not have 1984-03-18 & 1987/02/25 in the same document).
  • If full birthdate is not provided, please provide ITRA ID is possible.
  • If you only have birthyear, please only input yyyy. For example, 1992 and NOT 1992-01-01.
  • For Excel, you can use this formula to make any birthdate to a correct format (under the assumption your birthdate is on F2)  




Use 3 digit country code 


  • You can download the World Athletics country codes (Excel document) by clicking here
  • Files in which the full name of the country is entered will not be accepted. Please only use the 3 -digit country code from this document. 



ITRA ID provided by runner

Optional, but recommended

  • NEW SERVICE: Runners can find their ITRA ID on their runner page. Do not hesitate to collect ITRA ID during registration process, this will avoid duplicated runner profile and automatically link the results to the runner history !


Bib Number


Optional, but recommended

  • Can be useful to retrieve a runner in case of problem.



Optional, but recommended

  • Can be useful to identify a duplicate runner



Optional, but recommended




Additional information for races done in team / relay / stage

General information:

  • One combined results file for all participants in that event – men, women, all ages
  • One line for each participant
  • One results file per category – 1 file for solo, 1file for team of 2, 1file for team of 4.


Stage Race

  • One result file with the overall results (time, ranking). We do not accept individual stage results.


Team Race

  • Ranking & time is the same for all members of the same team
  • One result file for each team category. If your event has a ‘team of 2 category’ and ‘team of 4 category’ you will need to upload 2 different results files




Description automatically generated







Relay Race

  • One results file for each individual leg of the relay. If the relay consists of 4 legs, then you will need to upload 4 results files.



Common Mistakes to make in organizer space

If the result is not accepted in your organizer space 

  • Make sure to start in cell “A1” with the headings in row 1.
  • The first runner results should be in row 2.
  • Make sure there are no empty cells in the mandatory sections.
  • Your birthdates are all formatted correctly and formatted the same way. (Do not have   1984-02-28 & 1983/12/19 in the same file).
  • Make sure the file contains all the necessary columns.
  • Make sure your results file still matches your runner entry details (provided by him/her during race registration).
  • Delete all additional information not listed above.



Further assistance (video guide)


Watch the video in which we explain step by step how to format the results file:


   EN - How to format race results.mp4 - Google Drive


Presentation with media with solid fill   How to upload race result from your organizer account EN.gif - Google Drive


If you are still having trouble adding the results to the ITRA website, please write an email to: We will help you to add the results to your account.



There are some mistakes in my result files, what should I do?

1) If the mistake is in relation to the personal information of a small number of runners (First name / Last name / birthdate / nationality),  you have two options:

  • Runners easily can claim or fix these results themselves by creating an account on our website. You can send them the following link with will describe the process (link will be available shortly)

  • You can send us an email clearly explaining the changes ( and we will proceed with the required update.

2) The mistake is in relation to the ranking or finish time of one or more runners

  • Please re-submit the full and corrected result file through your organizer account.

To make changes to the current year’s results, you are able to upload a new result file at any time using your organizer space. To make changes to a previous year’s results file please contact us by email.

Why isn't my result file accepted by the ITRA website?

To ensure your results are complete and correct we have in place several filters that check your results file before it is accepted into the ITRA results database.

If there is a problem, a message in red letters will tell you precisely which row (line) of your excel sheet contains the error.

You will need to make ALL the necessary changes before the file is accepted by our system.

How to upload result file ? 

a) Connect to your organizer account then click on "Manage my events"
b) Select the event you want to edit by clicking on "Access / Edit Event"
c) From there, you will be able to upload your race results and/or your startlist.
Regarding the start list :
1) Upload the start list, you can download the template to have the correct formatting. Once uploaded, you need to wait a little while it's being loaded.
2) Click on "Download race startlist"

Regarding the result file: 

Before uploading your result file, please make sure that all the data related to the race are up to date and accurate (distance, vertical gain/loss & GPX file). 
  • The race course changed? You must upload a new GPX file and ask for a new race evaluation.
  • Has your race been canceled? Please send an email to with the name of the race and the ITRA number.
  • Your race is postponed later in the same year? Update the start date

We remind you that you must upload the result file, properly formatted, directly to your ITRA organizer account.  Any incomplete file may be refused.
